Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Snazzy Maps - Simple & Free To Use Themes for Google Maps

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Ryan Hoover
I didn't know Google Maps was customizable. These are slick. Once we add tagging to products, I'd love to see someone mashup a Product Hunt themed map with products in those locations.
Eithiriel DeMerè
@rrhoover What an awesome idea!
Adam Krogh
Hi everybody, I'm the creator of Snazzy Maps and it's awesome to see so many people enjoying it! We're working hard on a new version that will add user accounts, favourites, and a custom editor so you can make your own styles right on the site. If you have any questions or feedback please let me know.
@adamkrogh does this work for the mobile sdk?
Adam Krogh
@preetnation No unfortunately it is web only. Google Maps API doesn't support styles on the mobile SDKs. But you can vote for a feature request to add it into the Android SDK here: Hopefully it will be supported in the near future!
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Snazzy Maps looks awesome, much better than the standard GM design, plus the possibility do to something unique with something as basic as a map.
Mark Hendriks
Used it in several projects. Great themes and super easy to implement.
Alex Griffioen
I spent a few hours trying to get Google Maps to look like Mapbox a couple of months ago. This is a brilliant initiative, thanks!
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
@oscaralexander was that for our stealthy startup? :P
Anthony D. Nelson
Really fantastic. Great way to use a Google map on your site and be able to tie in to your branding and style.
Donald Sutherland
Great tool to use! has integrated SnazzyMaps right into the console to allow you to build a Google Map while selecting directly from SnazzyMaps' list of map themes
Ben Lang
Top Product
Good stuff! Another cool, map related tool (shameless plug) We built it so that organizations can leverage maps without any coding.