Jo Colina

Social Post - A simple way to send messages from GitHub Actions

Social Post is a simple GitHub action that enables you to send messages triggered from a GitHub Event.
Use it to warn developers or a new library release, or tweet a new version of your app!

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Jo Colina
Hi, I'm Jo a french maker. I made this action after I realised how tanlged our CI/CD pipeline was. Using custom-made sofware to handle our releases, I had some issues with the "warning" side of things. This action enables developers to send messages from a GitHub triggered event. A simple example is posting a new release, which in turn can send a message on Slack warning your colleagues of a new version of your library. Another cool use is templating! If you want to send custom messages to custom providers, you can write your own template and send cool-looking messages. A cool use for this is warning your userbase on twitter of a new version of your app ⚡️. I'm looking to add twitter soon, and you can vote on the repo issues for more platforms. Please let me know if you have any questions, improvements are on the way! What do you think of this GItHub action?
Ingo Radatz
Actually I’m crafting requests in Postman, exporting a curl statement and run this in an action. It’s not the most comfortable way but kind of easy, simple and robust. How would be my experience be different with your action?
Jo Colina
@llabball I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are doing. You export `cURL requests` from Postman _once_ and then apply them in an action, is that right ? Well, if you are using Discord or Slack you can just apply the `data` part of your request as a template to this action, and it will use that to send the message! Take a look here Ping me if you need any more info, I hope this action fits your needs!