Alexander Taub

SocialRank 2.0 - Graph search for TWTR. Filter by interests, location, etc


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Alexander Taub
Okay- so here is what is new: SocialRank 2.0 pulls in all of your followers for free instead of just your top 10 (free in original version) or top 100 (paid in original version). You can now also sort your followers by Most Valuable (MVF), Most Engaged (MEF), Best Followers (BF), as well as two new terms, Most Followed Follower and Alphabetized. In addition to sorting, you can filter your followers by bio keywords, location, verification, activity, and more. Lastly, once you have sorted and filtered, you can save searches (automatically updated when someone new follows you that fits into that query), export to Twitter and export to a CSV file. It's basically graph search on Twitter. I haven't found an easy to use and affordable way to do this out there.
Jimmy Jacobson
@ajt Exporting to CSV and Twitter Lists is really really cool. Nice work. Also, you pulled in my Twitter followers and parsed it really fast. That either means my followers aren't interesting or your algos are very efficient. Can you comment on what databases, platform you are using to power this?
Alexander Taub
@jimmyjacobson fairy dust and unicorns power SocialRank. Actually @baconseason will be good for this. Hey @rrhoover - can we get him commenting on this?
Michael Schonfeld
@jimmyjacobson thanks for that :) We're currently using a mix of AWS and GCE servers. MySQL is storing the "light stuff", while the heavy lifting is being done by an Elasticsearch cluster, with some help from Redis. The backend is mostly Javascript, and thanks to some parallelization algos, things are running pretty quickly! @schone did an awesome job setting up our servers with CoreOS + Docker. So far, CoreOS has been a great experience.
Jimmy Jacobson
@BaconSeason Nice. I approve so much of your MySQL choice that I just cried a little. Lots of respect for the data crunching you are doing and how smoothly it fits into the front end.
Alex Iskold
So my info here is not really that interesting. Some big accounts are following me like HBO and Ellen show but they are not really interesting big followers. How are you measuring the engagement of the followers? Also if the big brands are ultimately the ones that will pay money, how are they looking at this? Do they care about individual followers? Whats the use case?
Alexander Taub
@alexiskold Thanks Alex. So we allow you to segment your followers 5 different ways- Most Valuable (looking at important/in-demandness - not looking at engagement with you at all ), Most Engaged (looking on at engagement with you, not reach or importance), Best Follower (a combo of value and engagement), Most Followed (straight most followed follower), and alphabetized (turns your followers into an address book, very good for exporting to CSV file). So someone like Ellen or HBO will be on top of your Most Valuable and Most Follower but not in Most Engaged or Best. Engagement is measured by looking at interactions, RTs, Favs, @ mentions - native and responses and a few more things. Each is weighted differently. Brands are SocialRank customers. We are focused on Followers (as opposed to tweets, or who you follow). Right now for Twitter but adding at least one or two more networks (prob in this order - Insta, Pinterest, FB) by end of year. Brands we have shown it to pre-launch loved it. There are tools out there like Sprinklr and Sysmos that cost $2-10k a month. Whereas this is free. We will bring a $25-100/mo Premium version back after the summer (when we introduce Instagram). The premium features will be CRM-like: time based searches, pulling in tweets, DM'ing/Mass DMin'g, etc). We also have SocialRank Market Intelligence- this allows you to run any handle you want and slice and dice like you can do with your own account. This is great for competitive intelligence, market research, and more. We already have paying brands for this product and will keep it in early-access till Jan/Feb time. This cost $. In terms of individuals vs. brands. We are built for brands but individuals can use it and get value. We see it as the Hootsuite or Buffer model. Except they both have built a central location to help brands/individuals post to multiple networks and we have built a central location to manage followers from Twitter (and soon multiple networks). Last note- individuals have been a great avenue for brand acquisition. At the end of the sign up you can tweet out some love to your most valuable follower or just see your followers. 7 out of 10 times a brand is the most valuable follower and when someone tweets out love to the brand, the brand sees it and 50% of the time RT, Fav, @ mention and try SocialRank. Sorry for the rant- hope this was helpful!
Alex Iskold
@ajt Fantastic answer and very helpful. Thank you!
Alexander Taub
Hey Hey- I'm Alex, the co-founder of SocialRank. This is a big release for us. We have some major changes to SocialRank and I'm here to answer any and all questions!
Leif Singer
Congrats on the release, it's beautiful, slick, and super interesting. On the more practical side I'm also looking for a way to tame the people I follow -- are there any plans to provide analytics into that? I know there are bunch of solutions for that, but the ones I've tried didn't seem to trustworthy. As opposed to you! :)
Alexander Taub
@lsinger thanks Leif! what do you mean by "tame" ?
Leif Singer
@ajt What I mean is pretty much related to @JohnExley's use case. The people I follow are an ever evolving set that I try to manage. Help in doing that would be great. Who hasn't tweeted in a while and can thus be unfollowed? Who is following me back and how "valuable" are they, to use you tool's terminology? Whom *should* I unfollow, whom should I keep? Who's tweeting too much noise for me to keep up? See also my research on how developers use Twitter, what strategies people use to follow / unfollow, etc.:
Alexander Taub
@lsinger interesting. the stuff you are describing is almost all for "following" and not "followers" - there are a few tools for this type of stuff like (or something like that). I think we are going to stay focused on followers as opposed to branching out to people you follow. But this is good stuff to think about.
Andrew Brackin
This is absolutely amazing. I use graph search so much and can see this being really useful for my Twitter audience.
Alexander Taub
@brackin Awesome. Thanks Andrew!!!
Ben Parr
I've been using this product for a while, and while it still doesn't have all the features I want, I have found it really quite useful for doing analytics on my Twitter following.
Alexander Taub
@benparr Thanks Ben. What do you want homie? Let me know what is missing!
Joe Teplow
I've been using social rank 2.0 ....the best tool to segment, search and understand my followers. Absolutely brilliant! Good work @ajt @baconseason
Alexander Taub
@joeteplow and recruiting!
Joe Teplow
@ajt yes! Using SocialRank to search through bios and interests using queries like "engineer" or "developer" has proven to be a super powerful way to surface candidates within my network. Anyone hiring...take note! :)