I'm not big on posting products before they are ready to jump in and use but I'm a little too excited about SocialRank for Instagram.
There are not a lot of good analytics tools for Instagram yet because the API is so early and SocialRank for IG is going to be great. We put out www.socialrank.com/instagram today and will start letting select people in in the next 2 weeks before the launching in early April.
If you enter "PH" or "Product Hunt" in the code input I'll make sure you are one of the first few that can use the tool.
The product is similar to our Twitter product (www.socialrank.com) . It is not about content or posting - it is all about PEOPLE and who is actually following you. We make the argument to brands and individuals all the time - that they are spent the last 8-10 years getting more and more followers and more and more RTs, Favs, Likes, Pins, Hearts, whatever. Which is great and they should keep doing. But to what end?
Most people don't "do" anything with their followers on any network - because they don't know who they are. So we are trying to let you identify who your followers are, filter and sort through them (i.e. you want to find all your followers that live in Los Angeles that have an interest in baseball) and then do things with them (big piece of the rest of the year). On top of that we are building a central location to pull in these followers from all the networks (sort of like Hootsuite or Buffer but for followers instead of content creation).
Anyways - I'm here to answer any questions - or email me at Alex@SocialRank.com.
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Podbean Podcast Crowdfunding