Alexander Taub

SocialRank Realtime - Social media command center for one


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Alexander Taub
Hey everyone - here to answer any questions anyone might have. I'm around all day. We wrote a blog post on why we built this that you can find here: Also feel free to email me direct at or find me on Twitter at @ajt.
Frank Denbow
Very cool launch. Have you thought of other actions people could take? For example, I dunno, sending a tshirt?
Alexander Taub
@frank_denbow yea man - we should talk! definitely can have an on-demand provider built in. Other actions to me are things like informational (i.e. what are best sushi places in LA? as a tweet and someone like 4sq or yelp jumping in and providing value without pushing a download or something like that).
Paul Murphy
Great concept, making simple actions like this immediately available is valuable.
Alexander Taub
@paulbz Thanks boss!
Hans van Gent
Awesome and easy way for brands to start tapping into "random acts of kindness" good stuff!
Alexander Taub
@jcvangent exactly!
This is awesome. Love the 'Send a Postmate' idea :)
Alexander Taub
@hegranes We will be adding more as use cases come up!
Eric Friedman
Really great to see this live. The hardest part about seeing a potential customer or current customer on social channels post something is not being able to act on it and seeing this potential is great. There are plenty of great examples in the demo and use cases to try - and I am most interested in the new ones that companies come up with!
Alexander Taub
@ericfriedman Thanks Eric! It has been a long time in the making!
Hunter Walk
Excited for this launch. Thanks @ajt
Alexander Taub
@hunterwalk Thank you sir
go team go
Chaim Haas
Congratulations @ajt!! Love how you positioned and branded this ;)
Alexander Taub
@chaimhaas thanks man!
Clark Valberg
This is really good @ajt we would totally use the heck out of this!
Alexander Taub
@clarkvalberg Yeah man! Let's talk about this :)
Julian Gutman
Love this more every time I see it. Congrats AT!
Akshay Karwal
This seems very useful @ajt