Jack Smith

Songlink - Share music with anyone.


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Ben Tossell
Doesn't support SoundCloud yet :( However this is the first web app the maker has made (started coding 6 months ago) so I think this is pretty cool! Does it make the links playable in tweets?
Jack Smith
@bentossell I doubt that it would make the links playable in tweets. as what service would it use? RE soundcloud: I use it more for indie music, does it have other popular music? I'm not sure if they have the proper licensing etc in place (haven't looked into it for some time). i.e. I'm guessing that a lot of the songs on spotify aren't on soundcloud.
Ben Tossell
@_jacksmith well that is the main use-case I'd use this for, sharing on Twitter. I'd want that. yeh I've no doubt that there is a lot of music on soundcloud not on Spotify but there is some awesome music on there, including other popular music. There may be an issue with this in that Apple don't want you listening on another platforms
Sam Bauch
@bentossell I'd previously built a service for Twitter Cards that, when you tweeted a spotify link, would use their API to get the 30 second song snippet and the album artwork and make a "video" and use the Player Card to allow playing the song in the tweet. Unfortunately I took the service down, but this is definitely possible!
Ben Tossell
@sammybauch that sounds cool! why did you take it down?
Kurt Weiberth
@sammybauch @bentossell that sounds really cool. we've looked into making the twitter cards richer and have more content (like maybe streaming inline or showing all the links to all the music providers) but it is tough to include everything. oEmbed is a solution but not supported for smaller applications since it's a security vulnerability
Marc Perel
Nice one lads, sparks my interest due to http://son.gg
Jack Smith
@marcperel songg looks very well designed
Kurt Weiberth
@marcperel songg is a slick site, and their Slack integration is super cool. Songlink does search better, allows you to copy/paste spotify and itunes links instead of searching, and allows you to set a preference for auto redirecting which is pretty cool
Marc Perel
@kweiberth Yeah I haven't managed to get the URL decoding sorted in Son.gg yet, it'll come soon enough though.
Kurt Weiberth
@gwintrob Yes, in some aspects very similar to some of the features of bop.fm. Too bad bop.fm is not around anymore :(
Great work. When is someone going to build the social place you go to see what your friends are listening to? If Last.fm was still around today kind of thing. Facebook's Music Graph API needs to open up too...
Kurt Weiberth
@mager A social space would be awesome. It was originally in the cards for Songlink, but we decided to focus on the link making/sharing and decided it would be best if it was immediately useable without having to create an account or sign in. However, we may eventually add this feature on top of the core functionality. Stay tuned :)
Great work guys. This is awesome. Bitch better have my money http://songl.ink/b23e2 Few suggestions that I would really love it to have. 1. Have 30 second song preview upon pressing the link. 2. Can you guys get a referral fee from Spotify/others, if somebody is joining the account?
Kurt Weiberth
@manumish 30 second preview is a good idea, we will look into it. It is definitely possible to get itunes referral fees. Not sure about any of the other services. We are definitely looking into monetization strategies but it's not high on the priority list.
David Crompton
There's a number of services tackling this challenge and Song Link appears to be the most successful at the moment. I used http://son.gg for a while but it had difficulties when you had a track that involved multiple artists – Song Link seems to manage these cases much better.
Kurt Weiberth
@david_crompton Thanks, David. Finding matches across music services is non-trivial and definitely one of the tougher technical challenges on this project. Always can be improved but for the most part it performs pretty well.
Kurt Weiberth
@david_crompton just wanted to reach out and let you know that I built a facebook messenger integration on top of Songlink and it's a fast, more mobile-friendly way to use Songlink: http://m.me/songlinkbot
Kurt Weiberth
@_jacksmith Hey Jack, I wanted to thank you for hunting Songlink over a year ago! After a quiet period followed, more recently, by lots of hard work, I've re-imagined and re-architected Songlink and you can find out more on our repost: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
very interesting!!! I keep it
Kurt Weiberth
Hello! Just in case anyone still lurks around these dark depths of a year-old product, I just wanted to let you know that after lots of work on this platform, we've re-imagined and re-architected Songlink from the ground up and you can find out more on our repost: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Adrian Zmenda
Cool for android users