Business-class email ‍for Gmail teams
Wayne Silbermann
Sortd for Gmail — Trello for Gmail - Transform your email into organized lists

Sortd is the world's first Productivity Suite for Gmail. Unlike Asana, Monday.com, Trello or Tables by Google, who primarily focus on Internal collaboration, Sortd is capable of managing both Internal & External collaboration with deep email integration.

Jack Smith
I use the email workflow from @andreasklinger : as others have said, this kind of seems like an extension for that.
Mike Rowan
Love, that's all, just love!
Solid presentation. I can see Gmail morphing their current tabs into this...what happens then? Plans for mobile?
Wayne Silbermann
@mzuvella Thanks It's not impossible. However Gmail is really good at algorithms, so it's no surprise they went the route they did with bundles on their Inbox product. And I suspect that they will continue to provide smart ways of filtering and getting through the clutter. That's not really what Sortd is about - it's more of an organizer that you can put your emails on. We're developing the mobile app at the moment - hope to have something out by end of Q1 this year. We don't intend to compete with existing mobile email apps for now, but there will be ways to see and manage what's on your Sortd lists. It will also have integration points to be able to add emails to Sortd from whatever mobile app you already use.
My wife uses this and really likes it.
@golocalapps That's all that matters most of the time!
Biggest thing about all of these Gmail apps is that they battle each other.... @hubspot @mixmax @rebump I wish all of them played nice w/ each other :)
Adam Waxman
Looks really promising. Is there anyway to use gmail shortcuts within the app?
Wayne Silbermann
@ajwaxman Gmail shortcuts should work fine in Sortd. Did you try one that isn't working?
@waynesilby @ajwaxman I really like Sortd, but one major issue I've been having is using gmail shortcuts with Sortd. It looks like some things work, but others get overridden when emails are open (to the right). Labeling is a little funky, and hitting the enter/return key doesn't result in labeling the email with the topmost result like gmail allows you normally. I'd also like to multi-select and then drag all those into a list, which doesn't seem possible (or isn't obvious to me). Otherwise, dragging one by one is super slow especially on a laptop.
@waynesilby @ajwaxman Also looks like starring doesn't work (s for starring and unstarring as a shortcut)
Clark Valberg
I LOVE this product!
Walter Rafelsberger
This looks _very_ promising! I saw you have the date view and list view which is great. Can you think of supporting multiple lists so we could organize emails in different context (e.g. work/private or different projects, for example if I wanted a GTD workflow for different project and not just multiple columns for each project?)
Colin Vincent
Sortd is DOPE sauce and everyone I share it with is loosing their minds. Nice work!!!
Jesse Wallace
This is actually a fantastic new and functional face for Gmail. Great job, guys.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Looks like Sortd doesn't play well with Mixmax?
Wayne Silbermann
@chrismessina Will look into that. It's quite tough making sure it's compatible with all the Gmail extensions out there, because it's not really a managed ecosystem. All of the players in this space are doing some fancy footwork to get these products to work well with Gmail. @olofster @chanpory @bradvogel perhaps it's time for a Gmail Extensions association...
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@olofster yeah, I know it's tough since the Gmail FE isn't technically a "platform" for others to hook into (even Gmail Labs seems in disrepair). For now I guess I'll have to cycle through these extensions and see which works best. FWIW, I'd really love it if you integrated with Mailplane, since that's how I prefer to use Gmail.
Olof Mathé
@chrismessina yeah in part this is what we’re solving for. Mixmax gives platform access to email, so anyone can bring an app into email with Mixmax to improve their productivity. Fwiw, think it works fine actually as long as sortd lives on the side vs. replacing the entire inbox:)
Jonathan Hairgrove
Glad this was given some life via PH since I missed it last year. I'm really excited about the potential of how this can change the way I work through my day.
Just installed and I think I'm sold already. Neat.
Melissa Monte
Just signed up for the beta. Stoked to try this out
Ahmad Awais ⚡
I have a security concern about such Gmail Apps. I am allowing your app to access and manage my emails, how does that work in theory? Can you read my emails now? Since that's what API allows you to do.
Heather Hall
@mrahmadawais Still no reply?
I've been using it with some friends over the week-end. I can't wait to discover more but so far so good!
Dmitry Mukhin
Tried to use it, but had to uninstall since the Gmail UI became painfully sluggish.
Matt Hodges
Top Product
Sortd looks great, @waynesilby. Just signed up for the beta. How does one get their hands on an invite code? ;)
Jason Hitchcock
I've been waiting for a "tweetdeck for gmail". I would love columns to support labels, filters, and search. i.e: IF [label] include email in column. or "IF [filter] then include email" I need more automation for this to be useful enough to leave my setup with Airmail.
Wayne Silbermann
@jasonhitchcock It's on our product roadmap. I can't make promises re the timing, but it is a priority.
Joe Anderson
@jasonhitchcock would def pay for this
Ryan Hoover
There's no end to the number of products created to make email more efficient/less painful (see this collection). The Trello-like interface could be very useful for bucketing emails and to-do's (I use Gmail stars to highlight things I need to respond to but they often get lost in my waterfall inbox). @waynesilby - why did you decide to build something for email, a space filled with skeletons?
Wayne Silbermann
@rrhoover There are of course exceptions like Mailbox and Acompli who have done ok ;-) But the fact that so many have tried and failed is testament to the fact that email is in dire need of fixing and, right up there with world peace, we have hopes for a world with better email! If you are like me, you live in your Inbox all day, but using it to stay on top of stuff is pure chaos. The Inbox was never meant to be a ToDo list, but that’s how I use it (I even email myself to get stuff into my Inbox, all the time). My team felt the same way - so this all started when we decided we would just solve our own email problems :-) Our first thought was ‘surely by now someone has fixed email’. After a lot of research it just seemed that no one had really nailed it (@paulg also makes mention of this in his talk on the biggest startup ideas - http://youtu.be/R9ITLdmfdLI?t=7m34s). The big fish in the space weren’t innovating enough (I guess that’s something that happens with big fish). And while there were some interesting new email apps out there, most of them required you to abandon the email app you already use (the one with all your data, where you know how to find everything). It’s painful moving to a new app for something like email when you rely on it so heavily. We figured that we could build a really simple and effective solution by complementing the email application people use already. Gmail was a perfect fit because we could extend it in the browser and there are loads of people who use it for work email (which is where Sortd really shines). So in short – email seems to have some inherent problems, and while other companies have tried to reinvent it, we think we have cracked a really simple and practical way to manage it with an organization-first approach. Sortd also leverages a lot of the underlying stuff that Gmail does well, so rather than reinventing the wheel we were able to focus solely on the part that we feel is missing from email - a really visual and intuitive way to organize it in the context of your tasks & priorities. Plus you only live once and we were looking for a big hairy challenge to keep things exciting :-) On a serious note, we wanted to work on something relevant to ourselves and millions of other people – fixing email is it!
@rrhoover @paulg @waynesilby Email is one of those dragons I'd love to challenge, but just wouldn't know where to start. I like gmail, yet hate their basic format. I end up using Active Inbox and Streak to create better workflow within gmail, and you'd think several of those tools would be in basic gmail. The primary window most everyone stares at all day is email. But I don't just need email. I need my tasks, projects and calendar. So I use different apps/websites for each and hack them all together one way or the other. And I think we've all sent ourselves an email as a task (which I hate). I think the foundations of email needs an overhaul in a way that will let people use it in new ways outside of the current sets of hacks. I just don't know what that would look like, but I know what I wish it would do. My wife really likes Sortd. She had some issues here and there, but overall find it makes her gmail experience better (and she hates gmail). Her one suggestion is she'd like the emails in sorted to be unread then read which it doesn't currently do. So she moves from gmail view to sortd as she needs.
Wayne Silbermann
@rrhoover @paulg @golocalapps You are right that the foundation of email needs an overhaul. The problem is that everybody uses email - it's a standard - it's a way to reach someone based on an addressing scheme. The likes of Slack are creating alternate ways to communicate that are better in many ways for team communication, but email is still going to be around for a long long time (mainly because people expect to be able to contact other people that way). What's interesting is that email should really just be a way to communicate, but often work is generated based on email conversations. It's generated from other forms of communication too (like Slack, Skype and even Whatsapp these days), but the pain point is in dealing with all the work that comes from the conversations you have every day (especially when you also have to invest time triaging and 'cleaning up' so you don't miss anything). What we've tried to do with Sortd is add to the foundation by introducing the missing pieces that deal with organization (tasks, the idea of priority etc). So in a way, we've extended the protocol without the need to dig in and change what's already there. We have a long way to go before we've covered all the bases but I think we're headed in the right direction. Re your wife's suggestion to mark items read/unread, I'm not sure what you mean - it works the same way Gmail does, so when you have viewed a message it's marked as read. It synchronises with the underlying Mailbox via Imap though, so you might notice small delays updating to mobile for example.
@rrhoover @paulg @waynesilby My wife may read an email and then mark it as unread so she knows there is a task in it. In Gmail she can sort emails by Unread first, then Read emails. In sortd, if she has a list of emails (from what I understand about how it works) they don't sort by read/unread emails. Unread first, then all the read emails in the list. If you ever want to discuss (via email HA!) further, feel free to contact me.This is a pet peeve of mine that i'd love to see someone fix.
Wayne Silbermann
@rrhoover @paulg @golocalapps We are just about to release a new feature to improve on that exact experience, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. And your wife's :) What's your email add? Otherwise pls email me at wayne@sortd.com.