@colemercer Awesome to see that you guys can finally launch this! Offline support is really key.
What's the roadmap for Soundcloud Go? I'm thinking of recommendation, community, "radio" features for example.
@hfauq Thanks Hugo! We've got plenty of REALLY cool stuff coming up that I can't talk to specifically, but launching this service is the first step. In the mean time please tweet or DM me any feedback or ideas you have, we love feedback. I think you'll like what we're working on given your thoughts already :)
@colemercer I'm a huge fan of Soundcloud and excited to try this product. Soundcloud's search hasn't always been the easiest to find specific songs with. Have any improvements been made on search? Also I have a suggestion, Soundcloud go previews are only the first 30 seconds of the track which doesn't really let me know the overall 'feel of a song', is there a way to have the preview cover a more 'meatier' part of the song/mix?
@killa_kyle Unfortunately not yet on the preview question. With regards to search, we're actively working on making it better and that process will be a faster one now that we've taken this big step with a subscription platform :) Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Cole - I have a premium artist account that I already pay 130 bucks a year for on SounCloud. Is go included for these accounts or is that separate ? Also , how does one know if a song is part of the expanded catalog on Soundcloud ? Are you ingesting a lot of catalog from major labels as a part of this service ?
@ranidu Hey there! You can find out more about how the subscription affects current creators here and there's some info on the pricing: https://blog.soundcloud.com/2016...
@colemercer@ranidu I read that link – there's essentially a free trial and then an additional $60/year that Premium artists have to pay (an additional 46%.)
That seems a bit unfortunate. SoundCloud doesn't exist without the people making the music. Since the artists have supported your service with their music AND their hard-earned dollars, I'd like to see you supporting the artist with this streaming service: micro-payments for content that we _listeners_ are paying for (a la Spotify, iTunes, etc etc) would be the norm. A free "Go" subscription should be a given. I've been a long-time fan of SoundCloud, but this feels a bit slimy.
@jhampton@ranidu Thanks for the input Jeff. Now that we've gotten over this hurdle you can expect a lot more good stuff coming up. Feel free to send any more feedback in the future.
@colemercer@jhampton@ranidu Whenever I read fluff snafus like “you can expect a lot more good stuff coming up” I cringe a little. Hope it’s not as good stuff as not having a repeat button for the past six years. Not letting artists pick up the bill is all the “good stuff” that matters for now.
@rrhoover@colemercer@bentossell This is a cool idea, and something that I think music fans always like. I'm wondering, though, how it's going to work out when SC releases its new subscription model. It might prove challenging to adapt to that if the new model is meant to be an evolution of the SC paradigm. Seems like it might be moving in two opposite directions if things aren't clearly demarkated.
@bentossell Very excited about this as well! So much interesting stuff discovered on SoundCloud, which I haven't been able to have availalbe when travling for instance.
@bentossell I agree. For me, localization in music services takes the cake of maximum annoyance... Which is the case here as Soundcloud Go isn't available in Europe yet(?)... at least no France/UK.
Soundcloud I love for its access to early stage artists and stuff from artists "crossing the chasm" that their labels haven't put on Spotify yet.
So for me, an expanded catalog I could not care less about. Especially when a family plan for Spotify is cheaper per person.
Offline playback, playlists, etc, in a SC player I'd dig. My ideal use case is Spotify for label stuff, SC for the hipster PBR&B tranche below.
Yes!!! This is a feature that is going to let me listen to my SoundCloud playlists for so many more hours!! How do you see SoundCloud Go developing further? P.S. feature request: the ability to add specific songs to the queue or "up next" section.
@tylerswartz Thanks a lot for the kind words Tyler. We're going to be adding a lot more features soon, so be sure to send any more feedback you have. As far as a queue, I agree :) We'd love to see that happen and I'll make sure the rest of the product team sees the request!
@anakirekanti@colemercer i think the discoverability problem is kind of like starting with a new twitter profile. You know how they automatically suggest people to follow? Same for soundcloud - start following a ton of people who post great content. Eventually you'll have a feed with great music coming in. Then when you like something, you can 'heart' and/or repost it.
edit: not sure what kind of jams you're into, but you can follow me if youd like - i'm fairly active on soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/jincay - and since this is PH, you should also check out Fred Wilson's profile too: https://soundcloud.com/fredwilson
@j_nce@anakirekanti True Jince. We could do a better job of helping more casual people find great curators and creators to follow though! We're working on it :)
@colemercer congrats on the launch.
I agree with @jolyjerome tho 100%. - Soundcloud wouldn't exist without the creators and we are already paying for premium accounts and are now expected to pay even more? As it stands, the premium accounts are not cheap by any means. Tacking on another 10 bucks per month just doesn't seem right IMHO.
@anodigital@jolyjerome Thanks Brian - wish I could elaborate more on this but can't at the moment unfortunately. Just know that we definitely hear your feedback and are working on a lot of good stuff. Many many SC employees are creators themselves FYI so we definitely hear you :)
@p_ngu@anodigital@jolyjerome If they use the employee discount, then they've at least paid it in the past. Brian, BTW, in the blog post it describes how people that pay for creator accounts get a discount on SoundCloud Go :) https://blog.soundcloud.com/2016...
Really excited about this, I listen to SoundCloud all day every day.
In the iOS update text it says $12.99/mo, but on soundcloud.com/go it says $9.99/mo. Is the price different depending on what device you use to sign up?
screenshot of iOS update: https://goo.gl/photos/frGjGgqHjC...
@marko_is Haha good question! We get that one a lot and I am personally a big fan of that functionality. We're working on it but can't know an exact date yet. Just know that we also want it :)
@colemercer this is awesome I'm excited to see where you guys take so much great content. As a developer building a product that works with your catalogue I'm wondering how will this work with your APIs?
Looks awesome 🙌🔥 too bad it's not in the UK yet...
I still feel like Soundcloud should stick to the indie side of the music industry rather than trying to compete with Spotify as they are currently the perfect compliment to Spotify. I'd be more than happy paying $5 to have an ad-free and offline experience without the 'expanded catalogue'
Looks like a great product though with a promising future and I can't wait to try it out!
I'm an avid Soundcloud user from INDIA! i use the product everyday ! This seems like a really smart strategy , too bad it isn't in my country right now .
Congrats on the launch @colemercer. I think everyone is rooting for SoundCloud one way or another.
I doubt this feedback will go anywhere, but, is it entirely necessary for SoundCloud to "name" each and every product that's released? "Pro" and "On SoundCloud" and "Go." Eventually it just gets super confusing and it's tough for the SoundCloud brand to resonate completely. I think artists/consumers will "know" the difference overtime. So instead of differentiating, just "be" SoundCloud and guide the right user into the right place as they use the product. Easier said than done, I know.
Anyways, knit-picking. :) Excited to see some of the UI/UX changes you've been hinting at. From a creators perspective, we're always in your corner.
@dannyfiorentini Thanks Danny. We appreciate the feedback. We could be clearer with the names - since it's a two sided market with creators and listeners it's a little harder to clearly define which things are targeted to each. Be sure to send any more feedback our way :)
I used to change between Soundcloud and Spotify looking for "discovery" and "mobility". When Spotify improved dramatically its "Weekly discover" service I ended up sticking to Spotify and getting the premium. I am very happy to see the offline mode finally arriving to Soundcloud. It's always been a service that I really wanted to like, I am glad to see that I have more reasons than ever to do so! Keep us posted when it launches worldwide! (and get some kind of form on .com/go to notify users when it's available in their country! if only for detecting the early adopters)
Used to be a paid member and always wanted this feature. Would have to use third party apps to save music to the phone. However, as of late, myself and many other DJ's included have been fleeing the platform because many mixes/mashups are AGGRESSIVELY being taken down. If the rate at which these takedowns continue, how are mid-tier DJ's supposed to showcase their talent on SC anymore? It once used to be our hub for spreading awareness, but I keep getting pings from DJ's saying they're tired of having to repost or create new accts and are moving to Audiomack (which is obviously not as good).
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