Conrad Egusa

Soy Emprendedor - Entrepreneurial news for the Spanish-speaking market

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Conrad Egusa
Hi everyone, Soy Emprendedor is a media publication that covers entrepreneurship in the Spanish-speaking world. It is one of the fastest-growing Spanish-speaking publications, with over 50,000 Instagram followers, approximately 100K Facebook fans, and one of the highest social engagements and growth rates we've seen: Soy Emprendedor would like to profile 5 startups that have interest in a Spanish-speaking audience. If your startup would like to be considered for a profile, please write
Julián Tabares F
Excelente idea para dar a conocer todo el espíritu emprendedor de esta parte de la región.
Excelente, necesitábamos un sitio de estos en Español para promover el espíritu emprendedor de las personas
Jim Glade
This is cool. I live in Colombia and there are very few Spanish language publications that focus on Entrepreneurialism. The only one that comes to mind is Entrepreneur Magazine's Spanish version but it is great that homegrown Colombian talent are adding more competition to the space. There are certainly many great entrepreneurs that deserve to be highlighted around Latin America.
Oli Griffin
Como editor de StartUp Beat (en ingles) me gusta mucho ver esta publicacion hacer cosas nuevas con startups en español
Jenifer Rivera
Muy interesante sitio, Buenas historias de emprendedores y sus proyectos como también consejos para implementarlos en la vida diaria .
Tim Hinchliffe
Será muy interesante leer sobre los emprendedores latinos a través de un medio dedicado completamente en eso.
William Cooke
@timhinchliffe The Sociable es muy bien,,,your policey to promote non giant tech aswell as big tech is refreshing,,,we love your policey :)
Esteban Aravena
Muy bueno! Alguien conoce de canales en YouTube con este tipo de copen español?
Criz G.
Looking good, gentlemen!
William Cooke
thank you @conradegusa and thank you,,i have spent nearly 3 year in the full process of negotiating, then project mange, and finally launch ,which is a range of affordable software for architects- engineers-construction to the Spanish speakers/clients/users around the world.Your post is 4 years ago now but it is a brilliant inspiration for my work,,i am irish-native english speaker, i live in Catalunya/España is home, so in my normal day i speak  Español- y un poc de Catala y Inglés .So i love to see everyone who  is focused on helping and promoting entrepreneurship for  all Spanish speakers /services/products/ markets around the world