Zee M Kane

Spaces - A Chrome take on Firefox's 'Tab Groups' feature


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Steven Hambleton
How badly does it hammer memory usage? If they can reduce the memory footprint at the same time, I'm sold!
Dean Oemcke
@stinhambo You will barely notice the memory hit in comparison to what web pages use. If you're having problems with chromes memory consumption, you should try out my other extension The Great Suspender - it makes a huge difference. Although, I created Spaces specifically to avoid having too many tabs open - circumventing the memory problem at its root.
Zee M Kane
Been looking for a Chrome take on Firefox's 'tab groups' feature for a long time. There is another extension called Simple Window Saver (https://goo.gl/U1zGEY), that does the job fairly well too, but hasn't been updated in a while. This looks like a decent alternative and seems to be regularly updated.
Dean Oemcke
@zee Thanks for the post Zee. I'm the author of the extension. It's only been up for a couple of weeks - still in its infancy but it's been serving my needs well so far.
Julian Ozen
Hey really like this product. I've needed something like this for a while
Jack Smith
these guys also make "The Great Suspender", which is awesome. I'd like to see some more screenshots of this before installing though.
Dean Oemcke
@_jacksmith More screenshots on the chrome webstore page? I'll try to put a few more up, although to be honest, there's not a lot more to it - I've deliberately tried to keep out of the users way.
Jack Smith
@deanoemcke yep. That's what I was meaning. Can't tell much from this one