Hello guys! Thank you for warm words and support. We'be been working on this for the last 18 months. I hope Spark will be on your home screen. Also, please note that this is just version 1.0 and we have a long list of things to add and improve. Mac + iPad are also coming a bit later.
@denzhadanov Congrats to you and the team at Readdle for shipping Spark. What made you guys want to go after the email space and what's your unique take on it? Also curious to know what the business model is.
@denzhadanov I'm really glad you mention a Mac version is in the works. There are so many options for mac but nothing that really works well for me. This looks great!
@denzhadanov From Federico's review, it sounds as though Spark doesn't use send your email credentials to a cloud backend, instead doing everything on-device – is that right?
I know for a lot of companies, cloud-based & IMAP is a bit of a no-go, so if everything is done locally, I'd emphasize that somewhere – seems like it's a USP.
@denzhadanov great product. I keep trying out new email clients with hopes that one will be attractive enough for me to ditch Apple mail. I'm hoping this could do it as Mailtime could not.
PS: you misspelled "personalize" on the tutorial.
@denzhadanov I am beyond impressed by Spark. It is the first mail app since Mailbox or Sparrow that has actually stayed on my homescreen. Looking forward to future releases!
Spark is a new email app from the team at Readdle. I know a ton of work went into this. Looking forward to checking it out.
Here's an in-depth review true to @viticci's style via MacStories - http://www.macstories.net/review...
Made the switch from Mailbox to Spark (RIP Mailbox) and I have to be honest - I wish I would've switched a long time ago. Love how much I can customize the interactions with this app. Nice clean interface, intuitive experience and the ability to make it mine with all of these customizations! Love it, looking forward to the OS X version!
Denys - as the maker of a product dependent on Gmail Labels, I wonder if Spark integrates Gmail's Labels functionality better than say, Apple's native iPhone Mail client. I will be playing with Spark myself later on, but if you can provide any insight into functionality around Gmail Labels, I'd appreciate it.
Looks very promising! Definitely needs some time to get along with it before I can say "love it" but I thinks I will fall in love with smart search and quick reply features.
As seen on http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/2... - I usually don't like those email clients but I decided to give a shot to Spark and it looks great.
Just wished it could automatically import my data from Mail.app :(
I was a beta tester for this app. It is without a doubt the best email client I've ever used on my iPhone.
Kudos to the Readdle team for the work they did in putting this out. Their hard work is definitely evident.
Just started using this. IT'S REAL GOOD 💯. I love the ability to archive multiple emails with 1 click. So far it's been doing a good job of only notifying me about emails that actually matter.
I have been using it as a Mailbox replacement bad sadly emails takes to long to load even when I'm connected to wifi at work or home, hope they can fix that everything else works pretty well.
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