Hi guys,
Thank you all for the interest and comments. We've spent the last 2.5 years working on Spark in order to change the email experience for people with a busy inbox.
Readdle has a proven track record of creating amazing productivity apps that are used by 50 million people (Scanner Pro, PDF Expert, Calendars, Documents), but it was the time to take on a bigger challenge and solve bigger problems in tech. That's why Spark was born.
So what is Spark?
Spark is an intelligent email client that shows you what's important in your inbox. It bubbles emails from real people to the top, and allows you to take batch actions on your newsletters and notifications. We created it for people who live by their inbox and who want to have an amazing experience with email.
Here's how Spark intelligently helps you:
- Smart Inbox lets you quickly see what’s important and batch archive the noise
- Natural language search (i.e. search “email from Alex last week with a PDF”)
- Beautiful and minimalist design
- Amazing Calendar invite cards (this alone is a killer feature. See your schedule while accepting the invite)
- Quick Replies with emotions
- Smart notifications will only notify you about important emails (you can also teach Spark)
If that's not enough to make you switch:
- Spark supports Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro
- It will sync all your settings and snoozes across all your Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac)
- iOS App was named one of “Best of the App Store 2015” by Apple.
- Spark for Mac is now "Editors' Choice" on the Mac App Store
The Business Model:
Spark 2.0 is already in the works and will be geared towards Team collaboration around email. Spark will remain free for personal use, but we will charge the teams on recurring basis.
Here's the story behind Spark and why we created it: https://readdle.com/blog/2016/11...
I hope to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please remember that this is version 1.0.
@denzhadanov Been a long time user on iOS and a beta user on the Mac. Brilliant app. I wake up to only relevant emails now. Sleep has improved. Needed that. Thank you!
@denzhadanov I really enjoy it so far! I have been using Newton for a while and Sparks interface is much more compelling with multiple mailboxes. I think you should consider integrating mail tracking/scheduling :)
@shtooova I'm curious to how it has it been messy for you? Just the way it organize's your email? Or was it crashing a lot? I throughly enjoy Airmail and it's stable for me, but maybe I'm missing something.
@a12rj@tomflemming Crikey, Polymail is where Airmail was a couple of years ago - looks great, but buggy and sometimes just hardly works. Expected more from Polymail in honesty - seems like there are a few great ideas at the expense of general functionality
Found this comment on another post on /r/mac:
General Statistical Information
"When you use the Spark app we gather statistics and analytics on your usage of Spark. We may collect information about your mobile device and internet connection, including the application-specific device identifier, IP address, operating system, browser type, mobile network information, location, installed email, etc. This information is collectively referred to as "General Statistical Information". This data helps us to determine how different parts of the Spark app are used. This information is used by us to provide you with the best user experience possible.
We use third party services, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics and Amplitude, to collect and analyze how you use Spark. These services may collect information about you and your usage of Spark in accordance with their respective privacy policies."
So even if you're trying to keep your data away from Google and Facebook they'll get it any way. I'm not sure if anyone is aware of that but Spark downloads all your emails to their servers. They mention about that in their policy.
If anyone regrets signing up for Spark and is worried about your emails being stored on their servers, try this https://sparkmailapp.com/account...
@bauermetal Hope the move went well. It can be rough. Apply liberal amounts of high end beer/liquor/hot chocolate/pizza/ice cream as your preference & as needed. I assume you did so last night (good preparation is the key to success).
@kkdub I would really recommend checking out Hop email. It's free, easy to use, and works on top of your existing email and just enhances it's capabilities
@igorbonatto I also use polymail and would switch if this has tracking. If you do have it, you should add this to your feature page as this is a major feature for sales ppl.
@alexbarneshere@igorbonatto it doesn't
I love Polymail for tracking and let me know. Hope it gets better with time.
It has a nice UI Spark, but I'll keep using Polymail :)
@igorbonatto Spark had the read receipt once, but then they stopped offering it for some reason. People who had spark before still having it. I have read receipt on my iOS app but not on Mac!
@saranjith +1 having issues here as well. A shame too since I've been looking for a Mac email client that supports both gmail and exchange for a while now.
@juantabone I'm having issues connecting to Exchange account too, i.e. it won't connect. @saranjith You might want to check out Airmail3, it supports Gmail and Exchange. The only reason I'm considering switching is because Airmail is ugly af, though it works well.
@wjuschin I got an email a few days ago to now pay for Pro. All the features in Pro are what makes it unique. Its not that I do not mind paying for Pro but I have been using it since its beta launch on here and I cannot recall every being told I would have to pay for these features down the line. I have got a bunch of people to move to Polymail, all of which had no clue they would get charged for the original features that made polymail different. ehh. Also a lot of the time my mail is not even close to in sync.
@doutatsu give Canary mail a go, it's got read receipts and tracker blocking. Cleaner interface to Polymail but doesn't have the rapportive type thing on the side
Speaking of Polymail, Spark for macOS is strikingly similar visually to it, and quite a departure from the design makeup of the iOS app -- are there plans to unify the design of the two?
And like others have mentioned, the lack of a business model (free app) is a big question mark right now.
The only issue I always have with email clients is that they don't have calendar integrated, you have to open another app in order to get to calendar.. Outlook for Mac does a good job of having all in one place.. Any plans on Calendar+Mail?
I would really check out Hop email it works great and really improves your emailing capabilities.
Its free you should check it out
I've been using Spark since the very beginning. I was an original waitlist-starting user of Mailbox, and was excited to find spark almost immediately after Mailbox went extinct. This is the best email experience on every platform, and has a variety of productivity features that make it my go-to.
The best email app for productivity and reducing inbox-clutter & stress.
Documents by Readdle
SuperAnnotate Desktop
The Prayer Page
Documents by Readdle
Retro Site Ninja
VC Puzzle
Documents by Readdle
Nothing more.
Pros:Perfect in every way :)
Natural Text
For a moderate user which does not need to have batch email sending, this is the best possible email client for mac.
Pros:The best email client for mac period
Cons:Not good for batch emails
I've been using Spark since the very beginning. I was an original waitlist-starting user of Mailbox, and was excited to find spark almost immediately after Mailbox went extinct. This is the best email experience on every platform, and has a variety of productivity features that make it my go-to.
Pros:The best email app for productivity and reducing inbox-clutter & stress.
Cons:Absolutely none!