Jack Dweck

Snapbots - Vending machines that dispense Spectacles

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Jack Dweck
This has to be the most unique product launch I've ever seen. Time for a trip to Venice Beach 😎.
Honey Raj Varma
@jackdweck Maybe someone in Santa Monica can help us out? Willing to pay someone to ship it to the east coast.
Josh Muccio
@jackdweck pure genius. Apparently these vending machines "never seem to stay in one location for too long" Where to next? Any predictions? SF tomorrow or perhaps it'll slowly move up the cost
Brandon Foo
@jackdweck where in Venice are they? 😜
Marco Petkovski
@raj_ventures Need a hookup? I live nearby.
Honey Raj Varma
@marcopetkovski what's the best way to contact you? Can't dm you on twitter currently
Ryan Hoover
Snapchat (now called Snap) continues to do things differently. Apparently they're distributed their new Spectacles via vending machines called Snapbots. You'll be able to find them located on this map.
Eithiriel DeMerè
@rrhoover I had a really hard time understanding what was going on here until I followed your Spectacles link.
paul christophe
@rrhoover I wonder what their role-out timeline looks like seeing that there's only one snapbot on the map now
Pedro Wunderlich
@rrhoover Big fan of Snap's creative approach towards everything they do. Keeps people eager to know what they'll do next.
Leslie Purchase
@rrhoover Agree, the roving Snapbot idea is absolutely innovative. Scarcity of product can turn from excitment to annoyance if they aren't careful. The absence of further locations and information is venturing into overhype territory.
Ben Tossell
This feels very Willy Wonka! The first person has arrived!! https://twitter.com/zsender/stat... From their site and more info: Buying Specs from a Bot is easy! When you find a Bot, press one of the larger circular buttons to virtually try on a pair of Black, Coral, and Teal Specs 😎 When you’ve decided what color you want, insert a debit or credit card to purchase. Snapbots take about 10 seconds to process your transaction. Once you see the Bot’s mouth light up, take your Specs and you’re all set! Don’t forget to grab your receipt 😁 Pro Tip💡: Keep checking www.spectacles.com to find a Bot near you. ❌ marks the Bot!
Nate Michaud
5 People in Line as of now. I spy a SpaceX sweatshirt.
Honey Raj Varma
@ntmichaud are you able to get me one? can pay :)
Nate Michaud
@raj_ventures I had a friend grab them, let me see if he can get more (no guarantees). I'll keep you posted. Any color preference?
Honey Raj Varma
@ntmichaud if you know anyone in line I would highly appreciate it. Color black for both or both blue if available, preference for black.
Honey Raj Varma
@raj_ventures @marcopetkovski @isaacnaor @ntmichaud Marco told me it's sold out. Know anyone who can check tomorrow, guessing machine will be replenished and location updated tomorrow maybe.
Honey Raj Varma
@ntmichaud Nate would you be able to purchase two for me and ship it tomorrow if it's restocked, I would really appreciate it man. I can pay via PayPal.
Nick Abouzeid
Love the launch strategy - unique for sure. Curious to see how quickly resellers start hawking these on Amazon/eBay.
Ekaterina Kostomarova
In Russia we already have such thing for Instagram/
Robert Edwards
@ekaterina_kharitonova What's the product?! Sounds interesting…
Erik van Mechelen
@ekaterina_kharitonova @robertcedwards thanks for that as I'm writing an article about their gamified launch :)
Shannon Clarke
Reminds me of something I'd see in Japan! How long until these SnapBots become mobile and start making their own snaps?
Wish I was in Venice Beach 😭
Marco Petkovski
@antoine Need a hookup? I live nearby.
Eric Frumkin
@marcopetkovski I would be very interested if you could get me a pair. Would love to try them out! Can you message me?
Hans van Gent
@marcopetkovski you willing to check it out again? :-)
Mat Sherman
The next few weeks of my life will be spent refreshing spectacles.com to see if there is a bot anywhere near AZ. Well done, Snap.
- Kim Pham -
@mat_sherman Someone should create a notification app "when spectacles are near me"
Tarun Gangwani
Snap hints that you may not find the bot in the same location for too long, gamifying the very idea of buying them: "Snapbots are our very own vending machines that dispense Spectacles and never seem to stay in one location for too long 🌎" So, if you know someone in Santa Monica... might want to ask them to buy you the color you want before they disappear! They are $129.99 and include a nifty charging case.
Christopher Thomas
Thats an expensive soda pop.
Jaswinder Brar
Consider incorporating the following Spectacles themed mirror into the SnapBot Device!: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cw6b... I hope this is beneficial for you to review! >BD JB
Ben Lang
Top Product
😍. Feels very Up
Kristopher B. Jones
Brilliant. I can't see these machines staying filled with product for too long so it will be interesting to see how they sort out keeping inventory available so that there aren't a bunch of yellow machines sitting around with out of order signs. Maybe when there isn't inventory the kiosk turned into an e-commerce hub?
Aftab Alam
Hands down most uniquely and masterfully crafted consumer experience I've witnessed in recent times, proving there's still space to experiment and innovate, given you think! different.
Checkout Ellen's (ellen) snap! she showcases them pretty well
Timmu Tõke
The queue is like 4 hours
Marco Petkovski
@timmutoke can you take a pic? what's the scene?
Honey Raj Varma
@timmutoke are you still in line, let me know if you can buy me 2? Will pay
Amit Mondal
Anybody coming to India can get one for me? You'll get to test a cool product we are building at Pulpkey.com and have a huge plate of butter chicken 🍗
Amit Mondal
@marcopetkovski @findabhilash Hey Marco! When are you coming to India?
Amit Mondal
@marcopetkovski @findabhilash You mean ship to India?
Amit Mondal
@marcopetkovski @findabhilash Awesome! How do we go ahead from here?
Leslie Purchase
@amitmondal50 If it comes to SF I'll grab you one. Where in India are you? Heading to New Delhi end of November as part of a medical mission. Would not turn down butter chicken...
Amit Mondal
@lputhenp Hey Leslie! Thank you so much. Though I'm in Bangalore but will figure out something when you come to India. Please do let me know if you get a chance to get one when it comes to SF. Butter chicken is on me!
Raymond Duke
I'm going to try and grab a few pairs today. Hopefully they're not sold out.
Honey Raj Varma
@raymondduke can you help me out? Looking to buy 2.
Raymond Duke
@raj_ventures They were sold out by the time I got there. I waited too late, haha. But if they do it again in the area, I'm going to buy as many as I can.
Honey Raj Varma
@raymondduke What time are you going? I'm looking for two blacks to be shipped to east coast - do you have paypal?
Matthieu de Luze
Now that's an Awesome product launch 👌 Too bad they've made it available in the US only 😭