@ntmichaud Nate would you be able to purchase two for me and ship it tomorrow if it's restocked, I would really appreciate it man. I can pay via PayPal.
@raj_ventures They were sold out by the time I got there. I waited too late, haha. But if they do it again in the area, I'm going to buy as many as I can.
@jackdweck pure genius.
Apparently these vending machines "never seem to stay in one location for too long"
Where to next? Any predictions? SF tomorrow or perhaps it'll slowly move up the cost
This is a great example of the artificial control of supply + good marketing leading to demand generation - and to top it all of the downside risk of not selling Spectacles in large quantities is diminished. Neat @evanspiegel
Anyone knows if this will be a US only thing or will it roll out in Europe as well? In any case, I want one who can get them and ship them? Willing to pay for it of course like everyone else here ;-)
Brilliant. I can't see these machines staying filled with product for too long so it will be interesting to see how they sort out keeping inventory available so that there aren't a bunch of yellow machines sitting around with out of order signs. Maybe when there isn't inventory the kiosk turned into an e-commerce hub?
This feels very Willy Wonka!
The first person has arrived!! https://twitter.com/zsender/stat...From their site and more info:Buying Specs from a Bot is easy! When you find a Bot, press one of the larger circular buttons to virtually try on a pair of Black, Coral, and Teal Specs 😎 When you’ve decided what color you want, insert a debit or credit card to purchase.
Snapbots take about 10 seconds to process your transaction. Once you see the Bot’s mouth light up, take your Specs and you’re all set! Don’t forget to grab your receipt 😁
Pro Tip💡: Keep checking www.spectacles.com to find a Bot near you. ❌ marks the Bot!
Snapchat (now called Snap) continues to do things differently. Apparently they're distributed their new Spectacles via vending machines called Snapbots. You'll be able to find them located on this map.
@rrhoover Agree, the roving Snapbot idea is absolutely innovative. Scarcity of product can turn from excitment to annoyance if they aren't careful. The absence of further locations and information is venturing into overhype territory.