Edward Sturm

Speek - Record and share voice notes on the fly

Speek lets you record and share voice notes, memos, and responses without an account. Links embed directly to Twitter, making it easy to share voice Tweets, and Speek links can also be shared on forums and embeds on websites and blogs.

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Edward Sturm
Hi Product Hunt!! We made Speek because we wanted a way to quickly and easily share voice recordings. Everything else we came across either required uploading audio or registration and verification; we didn’t want any of that. Here’s highlights of our favorite features: - Embeds into Twitter with title of your choosing. - No registration or verification. Anything goes. - IFrame embed available for websites so visitors can hear voice notes. - Can share on forums, image boards, and anywhere else audio is unconventional. - Can paste Speek links in messengers without having to store files locally.
Anna Filou
@oladipo_amolegbe @edward_sturm I can't listen to that. The Play button does nothing... Do the voice notes expire after a while? I created one myself and it works just fine, but there's no delete button.
Edward Sturm
@oladipo_amolegbe @anna_0x Hey! Sorry about that, we were making some updates- everything is back now. We'll be adding a delete option in the future as well.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Would love to even use this a micro-podcasting platform. Looks like a great product to easily create and distribute audio content!
Edward Sturm
@lachlankirkwood Thanks!! We're experimenting with what to emphasize with the branding as we see a lot of uses for something like this. Micro-podcasting we also believe could be big.
@lachlankirkwood There is something for micro-podcasting » https://www.producthunt.com/post...
@edward_sturm I am wondering where the recordings get saved? Amazon AWS maybe? And will there be an option to delete the recording in the future? Thank you!
Jim Duggan
I really like the way it has a timer built into the icon itself, not just the number below it. I don't like the domain though! .link ugh! What tech does this use behind the scenes? And what's device/browser compatibility like?
Edward Sturm
@jim_duggan Thank you! Speek works across all major devices and browsers, with the exception of Internet Explorer.
Awesome! I was looking for something like this. Thanks!
@edward_sturm this is super interesting, I've always thought of a Twitter but with voice but never saw it as a platform that'd do well by itself. Glad this is built on Twitter in some ways 🙌 Do you plan on making mobile apps integrated with Twitter that'd make this easier?
Edward Sturm
@amrith Thanks Amrith, hope you enjoy using it! We do have plans for a mobile app :)
Jordan Walker
Super awesome to see other folks getting involved in the voice/audio space as well! I like the embed feature a lot, great idea
Me encanta lo simple de esta genial aplicación. Intenté aplicarlo en mis redes y he detectado que al abrir los enlaces desde la versión móvil de Facebook, el navegsdor incluido de dicha aplicación, no es compatible con el reproductor. El botón de Play no funciona. Espero esto pueda resolverse. Gracias :)
Edward Sturm
@xdfilter ¡Lo siento por eso! Estábamos haciendo algunas actualizaciones, pero todo está funcionando ahora.
Jesse V
Doesn’t work for me. I’m on iPhone X chrome and safari was a no go
Edward Sturm
@don_jesse Hey! We were making some updates, but everything is back now! https://speek.link/s/uVryDlEvyki...