@ourielohayon - Would love to have automation in a service like this, but do think it's rather usable as is.
I've been using a hacked together system (Forms as app -> Sheets as db -> Dashboards, email reports) for this exact purpose. The automated systems (Mint, my bank has a great one) are perfect for managing/reporting on high level finances, but not for managing budgets or spending habits. The extra work required is worth it if you want to understand where you're spending (Venmo balance/withdrawal or ATM withdrawal doesn't tell you where the cash went, or if it's still in your wallet). I also want to be able to track my SPENDING on CC's instead of my PAYMENTS on CC's so I can use zero sum accounting for the current month, instead of next month.
TLDR: IMO the use case is different than the one solved by current automated systems. But the more syncing, the better.
@lukasstibor - Look forward to trying this out!
We launched our app Spendee almost 2 years ago. We didn't expect that the app will be so popular and after the first months Spendee was being used by over 100 000 people. Over 13 months ago we began to work on Spendee 2.0 where we had great challenges to move Spendee from a simple financial app to an advanced application for not only yours but also your family / friends finances and maintain the simplicity that our users really liked in the first version of Spendee.
We did it!
It took as very long but we think that we succeeded in maintaining the simplicity and at the same time we move Spendee forward once more and prepared many new functions.
@lukasstibor bank's don't have public APIs. You are wasting your time or your dev team is bending the truth. Unless of course you are building scrapers for banks (like Yodlee does) to get this data? Speak to Yodlee.com - they have APIs in place for you to connect to. I believe Intuit also offers a similar service.
Absolutely love this app! For over a year been looking for something that did exactly what spendee does. Probably my favourite app i've found on PH so far. Great job @lukasstibor and the CLEEVIO team.
I'm craving an alternative to Mint.com. From the website, I cannot gather whether or not I'm able to link with my credit and debit cards? If so, this needs to be made much more clear. If not, then I think you lost me. I make multiple transactions every day. I'm expected to take my phone out and manually enter each transaction to the cent for every purchase? Half of my purchases I don't even remember what the total was, because it was something nominal like $5.34.
EDIT: I see people have brought up the same issue, so I take it that it's currently not possible to sync with my plastic. Oh well!
I'm a happy premium member!
I would only suggest a feature: transaction between wallets.
Because I have a different wallet for every bank account /debt card and for cash, it's a little annoying to make a double entry (income/outcome) for a single transaction.
Keep it up!
Often, you get new apps with awesome UI and after a few days, you get bored but Spendee has really broken that, I got this app some 2 years ago and even though my bank app is nice and useful, I just love Spendee. Mostly because it lets you track cash transactions. Its one of those apps you'll quickly re-download when you get a new phone.
Is Spendee secure without 2FA that they are not thinking to protect your login with extra security?
Is this a right approach to plan to take extra protection of your user’s financial data on a personal finance app?
They have replied to my review on App Store quoted;
Spendee Replied like these quoted below;
"Sorry to see you leave and thanks for suggestions. Just to add - over 90% of our users who connected a bank account don't even lock the app with PIN/FacelD/ TouchID and also a lot of banks we are syncing require just password and username. It would feel a bit ridiculous to be "more secure" than the banks we are connecting, wouldn't it?
I understand you that some people see it differently, but we always prioritize feature development based on number of requests/complaints and suggestions and so 2FA will not come anytime soon as the demand for is simply too low. Hope this helps you understanding our approach and again, sorry to see you leave, thank you."
So, for sure 2FA doesn’t mean it is more secure, it means they will be taking extra measure for your users that their credentials might be stolen, anyone on earth can download their financial data via their app / web which could also be connected to their bank account regardless of how secure the banks are, that’s totally unrelated.
Would somebody enlighten me what can be the other ways for taking extra measures for users login process rather than 2FA etc?
Since Spendee doesn't have one and doesn't plan to provide one which is very unusual for a fintech app. Have you ever seen any fintech app that is without 2FA?
Spendee says they are not planning to add additional security for logins just because Spendee users don't even care about securing their data with Face ID/Touch ID etc and there is a low demand there and Spendee developers put their efford on hype-driven NFT just because there is a demand there?
Interesting case for product market fit, so it means they say good bye to 3-year long subscripted users like me to use the app for it’s core features that made it and welcome to the ones that demands NFT and doesn’t care about security at all.
Shall I keep trusting Spendee my financial data or shall I find another app that is more secure?
p.s; Spendee is on Google Cloud and I know the data security on Google Cloud is secure, but my point is not about their infrastructure, it's about high potential risks of data leaks if somehow your Spendee password is stolen, without additional security, anyone can download your whole data like your integrated bank account transactions to Spendee even if your bank is more secure.
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