Spicy Chess
Spice up your chess life by getting really good at tactics
Hamza Hassan

Spicy Chess — Spice up your chess life by getting really good at tactics

Spicy Chess is a Chess tactics training app that leverages spaced repetition combined with strict time constraint to greatly enhance your ability to spot tactical motifs on the Chess Board.

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Hamza Hassan
I built Spicy Chess(https://spicychess.com) because I wanted a tactics training app that would have the following features: - Spaced Repetition. - Countdown time to simulate blitz Chess where you have to find the best move quickly. - The ability to save puzzles for later review. - Log completed puzzles so I can see how I'm progressing. The mechanism behind Spicy Chess is as follows: 1. You will start off by having 10 minutes to solve a puzzle for a given level 2. Once you've finished all the puzzles in a level you can progress to the next level or redo the level 3. If you choose to redo the level, the countdown time will halve (you will have 5 minutes instead of 10) 4. The end goal is to finish every level 6 times. On your 6th attempt you will have just 15 seconds to finish a puzzle. Repetition combined with strict time constraint will greatly enhance your calculation skills, your ability to think under pressure, and your intuition for spotting tactical motifs, leading to a much higher chance of winning. Spicy Chess was inspired by the following two books: The Woodpecker Method and Rapid Chess Improvement - both books assert that repeatedly solving high quality puzzles leads to massive improvement in your Chess game. On a personal note, I'v noticed that my Chess games have a marked improvements (and I'm having a lot more fun) because I'm able to spot tactical motifs much more often and a lot quicker.
Shreyas Iyer
As a chess player, I'm always looking for more tactics practice! My favorite feature is the countdown time to simulate blitz—one issue with practicing tactics is you *know* there is some trick/good move, and it's hard to simulate time pressure. Congrats on the launch! Will definitely be using SpicyChess!
Hamza Hassan
@shreyasiyer Thank you! This was one of my main reasons why I built this app. Once you finish all the puzzles in a given level, the countdown time is halved; that's when things really start to get a little spicy ;)
I have to confess that even though I started playing chess at 9 with my dad, I don't do it regularly and still consider myself a beginner. That being said, I felt a little overwhelmed? Maybe I'm not the intended market but I'm still drawn to the app. At first I thought it moved too fast but then I realized you can click through the moves one by one after it plays out - love that! I found myself having to reverse engineer what the abbreviations mean. I thought chess boards included a letter too? I'd love a little key that explains what the abbreviations mean. I'm assuming since the letter isn't included that + just means advance in the same row. Like I said I'm a casual player just wanting to get better so a lot of this the pros probably already know. Edit: I take back my comment on the letters. I had to scroll my screen. What does + and # mean though? I know it's probably a newbie question. Edit2: + check, # checkmate....nm :)
Hamza Hassan
@danielle_withers Thank you so much for your detailed response! I do understand that at first glance the tactic page can be quite intimidating - I've thought of adding an "on-boarding" section that would guide the user through the user interface, but figured it's more of a nice-to-have than a must. Glad to see you figured out the abbreviations; you'll make a great chess player ;)
well done! have passed this on to a friend who is chess crazy!
Hamza Hassan
@simon_s_j Thank you! I’m looking forward to hearing what they think!
David Gutiérrez
Very cool, nice to see chess on PH. Any plans to make it multilingual?
Hamza Hassan
@_dgut Thank you! At the moment, no (: