
Spiel - An online Q&A community that curates video answers.


Enjoy sharing what you know? Join our Q&A app and give video answers to questions directed at the community. Not ready to give a Spiel? No problem. Feel free to ask questions, or watch videos from creators as they answer practical questions, discuss the challenges they face, or provide explanations to users questions. Download Spiel :)

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A place for creative professionals to ask questions, answer questions, and express ideas about their specific field on video don’t exist. Our tools will facilitate these interactions, and allow for feedback/comments on those interactions. Due to users feedback, we made it incredibly easy for users to skip our signup flow to see what's going on inside the app first. So please feel free to download our new version released today and test out our app instantly.
Don Kader
I think it can be valuable to have video documentation of yourself contributing online, to a community of people with similar interests and experiences. Though being camera shy, I was happy that my reply was helpful to someone. It felt good.