Taylor Osborn

Spling - Spell check entire websites


Spling finds typos and grammar issues on your website, check many pages at once. Join for free at www.spl.ing

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Taylor Osborn
Proofread entire websites with Spling. On average, Spling website proofreading identifies one major spelling typo and several minor grammar issues for every 10 website pages checked. How many typos do you have?
Till Kahlen
Helpful tool! Congrat on the launch.
Taylor Osborn
@tillgg Thanks!
Evelyn Rose Sinclair
Hey @TaylorOsborn, really like the idea of Spling! Looks super helpful for catching those pesky typos and grammar issues. Quick question - does Spling integrate with popular website builders like WordPress or Wix? Would be great to know before diving in. Thanks!
Taylor Osborn
@taylorosborn @evelynrosesinclair Thanks for the comment, and sorry for the late reply. To be honest I had forgotten this was the launch date we set on product hunt. Spling checks live sites, and can do so on command or automatically on a schedule. There are a ton of plugins for checking content WHILE it is being written, and this has been true for years. Yet despite this typos are plentiful on big and small sites alike. In a way, Spling is so integrated with visual builders that it does not need to be integrated. All of these tools eventually publish HTML, and that's what Spling checks. (The trick is getting servers to deliver the HTML in a speedy and reliable way which is one of the eng challenges we had to overcome.) Content creators, devs, designers, can check their staging sites, and live sets as often as they like.