Hi Product Hunt! I am the iOS engineer at Splittable and this release has been my sole job since joining Splittable 3 months ago. A little bit of background: we moved away from a hybrid approach in 1.0 and went fully native with this version. Going native has made it far easier to support offline usage (including being able to add costs while offline), as well as a much tighter user experience and better integration with native frameworks. Happy to answer any questions.
@edowling Hi there, love the app. I'm waiting for all my housemates to join so I can test it out properly, but it looks like it will be really useful. Couple of things though:
- When adding my housemates via SMS, I accidentally clicked someone else in my phonebook, it didn't ask me to confirm before adding, and now there is no way to remove them.
-The buttons at the bottom (beautiful as they are) sometimes obscure the last part of the main view, so on the profile view for example, 'Email updates' is mostly obscured (I'm on an iPhone 5)
- The language when editing a payment 'We pay separately' and 'we pay together' is a little confusing. I don't understand the difference because surely the premise is always that one person physically pays and the other pay that person back?
@jblok2 Thanks for the feedback :) We're just about to submit an update for your first two issues. As for your third point, "We pay separately" is for rent, bills, etc where each housemate pays the provider (landlord, utility company, etc) directly. These costs will only show up for you and don't affect the overall balance. "We pay together" is intended for when you pay a designated housemate your share and they then pay the provider in one lump sum. We tried a lot of different ways to express this. Do you have any suggestions on how we could make the intention clearer?
@edowling Ah ok, perhaps "one person pays' instead of "we pay together", as "we pay togethor" is still ambiguous to the fact that there is only one single payment made to the provider. Perhaps having a less distinguished line of text underneath "we pay separately" to say "only shows for you" will make this clear it's not a shared cost
@edowling@jblok2 How about "We pay x separate bills" or "We each pay our own separate bill", vs. "We pay one bill together"? Where you can insert the number of housemates as x. It seems like the number of bills for one utility is the clearest differentiator between these situations.
I've seen lots of adverts on TV about splittable. There is definitely an increasing landscape here with apps popping up all over.
For me, it's easy enough to transfer money, set up standing orders/direct debits etc from my banking app. Splitting meals or even bills isn't that much of an issue for me that I need another app for it.
In University we always had problems with it, usually because no one had the money to pay and it was always set up from one persons account. I see the need for an app like this for Uni and similar situations.
It's reasons like this I could not wait to move out and live on my own! (it's awesome)
After Uni and when my friends and I had full time jobs, we were less worried about 'Ben paid £3 extra last week for toilet roll' but it definitely matters for some people and situations (uni included).
Is the prime market University/College students? @vsubramanian
@bentossell Our primary demographic also includes young graduates and professionals living together in cities like London, not just students. PS Our marketing guys would love to know where you've seen the TV spots because..uh..yeah, that's totally happening ;)
@vsubramanian yeah makes sense... Luckily I bought a one bed apartment so don't have to deal with it anymore haha! I can relate to the headache though.
Well I live in Cardiff and sure I've seen them on the TV... no idea what channel haha
@bentossell@vsubramanian As a Uni student, I totally get the struggle of tracking all the expenses with my roommates. Really dig the design and feel of your app!
One thing that I miss is some kind of "shopping list" where we could add some products. What are your plans?
@philipkuklis Glad to know you like the look and feel of the app Philip! 🙌 As for shared lists, we've had a couple of requests for that - it's not something that's at the top of our todo list right now, but given that it's totally in line with our mission, the more people that want it, the quicker it'll be made real :) have added an upvote to our internal feature request tracking on that for you!
As a somewhat belated introduction, howdy Product Hunt! I'm one of the co-founders at Splittable and in charge of product. We've been working away on our new iOS app for the last couple of months and are super excited to push it out into the world. @edowling and I are around all day so hit us up with anything you want :)
@vsubramanian@edowling This looks great! I've been using Splitwise for all these years and it has served me very well to manage the household affairs. Splittable looks like a big step up :)
What kind of additional offering are you planning for Splittable which can blow apps like Splitwise out of your competition?
@_jacksmith We see ourselves more targeted at the household audience, rather than the UK specifically. Our new app is currently featured both in the US and UK iOS App stores, and has also previously featured in several other European countries, so we definitely have a lot of love to go round the world :)
@maxwendkos Hey Max, we consider ourselves as primarily focused on the house, rather than any generic category of bill splitting. We want to really get that right because we think it's the most common use case for bill splitting and there are so many nuanced problems specific to the household that we want to help with.
Love the concept of this app. I was the 'chief housemate' at uni and chasing everyone for bills was a real pain and ended up with me being 100s of ££s down for some weeks at a time. This would have really helped. Less resentment for your housemates that have 'no money' unless beer is involved is a plus.
@_jamesmundy Thanks for the kind words James, we're all about trying to minimise those arguments and awkward conversations about money that people have when living together.
I'm sure you've thought long and hard about this but the product is almost unnecessarily focussed on house-shares (can't even signup without adding the "house address"). There are lots of situations where the app could be useful within a group of friends that don't live together.
Me and my friends at uni currently use Splitwise and would be keen to try splittable if it wasn't so focussed on this one aspect.
@danielchatfield We've spent a lot of time thinking about this question (it's one that comes up a lot) - basically we feel very strongly that the shared household experience is super important (everyone on our team has had good and bad experiences while sharing!), and growing in relevance in most big cities. We think there's a lot of mileage in that space which is why we're focusing there - people tend to share more expenses, more frequently, with the people they live than any other group.
I've been using Splittable for about five months since moving into our house in London and it's saved so much hassle between the six of us.
I must admit though, while I had offered feedback on with some potential changes, 2.0 has not fixed any of the issues I had. The main point of feedback was switching between households - I have one with my house and then another with just my girlfriend - and this has been made far more difficult. It took me way long to work out where everything was and generally, I preferred the 1.0, even if it was less flashy.
I love the product but this update is really not doing it for me. We'll continue to use it in my house, I'd just love it to be better.
@ojgilmour Thanks for the feedback, we are already working on a subsequent update that will make it easier to navigate around multiple houses. We're constantly switching between houses on the app ourselves (we all share one for our office, and then each have our individual houses) so are aware that this could be faster and more obvious. Glad to hear it's reduced the hassle in your house though :)
Sharing payments means at least both people, you & one friend, need to have the app. I know word of mouth is strong, but how do one person invite another easily? What is your process?
@tsunaze Hey Pierre! The new app lets you pick people from your address book to send an SMS or email to. The recipient gets an invite code that they type into the app to join the house that they were invited to. In a not-too-distant-future update, we'll be making the invites a little bit smarter to try and remove the need to physically type in the code for as many people as possible. However we'll probably keep the invite code system around as a fallback when we can't match people up in a smarter way.
@vsubramanian@tsunaze I wish that the SMS went through my phone, so I could custom craft the message and let me roommate know what is going on and not surprise her with a message from a random number.
Looks nice guys! The dark design is an interesting choice... Don't see it often as the primary use case rather than an optional "dark mode". Is this new version coming to Android at all?
@watsontom100 Yep, it will. No definitive timeline yet. Our plan is to sort out all the UI/UX issues with the new version, then build an awesome, native Android experience. The existing Android version is 100% compatible though, so Android users can still use Splittable alongside their iOS-using housemates.
Hi guys. Really like the app overall, been using it between my housemates for about 5 months. It's super simple and straightforward, and I enjoy that it's sticking to one core function and doing that well.
One little thing about the 2.0 version on iOS is that it's not super clear what you're looking at if you swipe across from the usual 'who-pays-who bars' screen to the 'total owed' one. Can you add in some headers?
From a business perspective, what's your roadmap like? Is there anything in the app itself you're working on monetising? Are there any social features you'd be interested to build in like Venmo has?
@vijaymichalik Hey Vijay, great to hear your kind words! Thanks for the feedback, we're working through how best to describe or illustrate what's going on in the most concise way possible, so there'll definitely be some updates in that area. In terms of roadmap and monetisation plans, we'll have more to announce in a couple of months, but broadly speaking, we're looking at the household payments space.
Intrigued. Could you guys link up with the @radpad team? They're doing some awesome things in the payment/online rental space and could be a fruitful partnership.
Wish this had been available back when I had 6 roommates in a 3-bedroom flat in SF for years. Love this concept. Would be cool if it could help you split house duties too, since that's always a point of friction.
I was just nerding out and building a google form and google sheets dashboard, with monthly IFTTT emails to do the same thing... I'll stop my efforts and just try downloading an app instead haha. P.S. the SMS didnt work for me. I couldn't get past the formatting validation alert no matter how I put my phone number in...
@hellobrent Hey Brent, that's not cool that the SMS invites wouldn't work for you. We've got a 2.0.2 update that should be released this week that fixes a few issues, including around invite sending. Hopefully that solves your problems, but feel free to shoot us an email at support@splittable.co with the details and we can take a look.
@did1k Hey Didik, our Android app should be compatible with your phone. If you can shoot support@splittable.co an email with some of the details, we'll try and see what we can do.
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