
leash.co - Easily transfer URLs between devices


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Hello, I built leash.co because I wanted a truly simple way to transfer URLs between device, no setup or sign up required. Feedback is always welcomed!
Jack Smith
what about the inbuilt functionality of Chrome did you not like?
Jason Dainter
@a7mads thanks for this. I often get annoyed at how hard it is to simply share a link very quickly across devices so think this does add value. I use http://www.handoffapp.com/ for this at the moment but there is too much legwork involved ensuring the receiving device has it installed. Chrome works well with its shared link/visited history over time but its not incredible fast at syncing, and also limits you to chrome only (what if you want to transfer a link to your friends phone for example easily). I often find myself 'hipchatting' myself or emailing myself to get around this nuisance, so will certainly be trying leash out next time!
Jason Dainter
@a7mads out of interest what happens if a user uses the same keyword? Does the most recent user get to own the keyword?
@_jacksmith like @jasondainter said, chrome works great, it just you have to have chrome installed and you must be logged in. I can't have chrome installed on my work PC, so I used to email myself links all the time.
@jasondainter if two users use the same keyword, the older URL gets replaced by the newer one. It's highly unlikely that this will happen though.
Jason Dainter
@a7mads 'It's highly unlikely that this will happen though.' - it depends how popular your tool gets I guess ;-) Great work on this. Works great!
Ryan Hoover
Nice, @a7mads. Scribe and BeamApp are a few apps for sharing links between devices. I like your "no software" approach. Are you planning to create a bookmarklet or Chrome extension?
@jasondainter hahaha, true. Thank you!
@rrhoover Thanks. I've been planning on making a bookmarklet once I have a little more free time on my hands
Jason Dainter
@a7mads +1 for a bookmarklet and chrome extension!