โก Developers & jobs pre-qualified & matched through 18 filters worldwide. Companies invite anonymized developers (with full job info) to meet. No tests, recruiter calls, demos, or card required to sign up. Companies get ONE INTRO FREE.
๐ Hi everyone, I'm Nick Singh, founder of Spotted and I've been busy connecting the spots, to improve experiences in job seeking and hiring.
I'm super proud to finally launch Spotted ๐ a product made with 9 years of feedback from developers and companies worldwide.
โ FREE for developers to use, and companies only pay $80 a month for unlimited jobs, matches and user seats (half the price of a typical job advert)
With Spotted developers can:
โญ Get all the job info upfront
โญ Filter out jobs that require tests
โญ Only get offers that meet minimum pay
โญ See if pay is above or below your "ideal"
โ Ditch job applications & cover letters
โ Ditch investing your time on the wrong jobs
โ Ditch jobs that require testing if you want
โ Ditch freelancer marketplace fees
With Spotted companies can:
โญ Make sourcing completely unbiased
โญ Create one job per role, to cover everything
โญ Get filtered, pre-qualified matches worldwide
โญ Empower non-recruiter team members
โ Ditch recruiter & marketplace fees
โ Ditch hours of manual sourcing
โ Ditch paying for job slots & user seats
โ Ditch dropouts and rejected job offers
TL;DR: Everyone saves a tonne of time, and money!
Hi Nick. I applied and thought the onboarding and UI was pretty good. Although I did get stuck at adding an additional experience (it was glitching out). My questions are 1.) What is the revenue model of spotted? 2.) How long have you been working on this? Great work!
@redgetan Thanks! ๐ The glitching is noted - will feedback to my devs. Pricing: Free for developers to use, Companies get one free intro, which is made once a developer accepts an invite - once a 2nd invite for a test or meet is accepted, companies pay a yearly fee upfront ($80 a month) to unlock the intro. Once companies are paid customers, they get unlimited intros, user seats & jobs. We also have a 50% promo on right now for the first 1k companies. Been working on the product for the last 6 months or so.
Wow, this is a great solution for us devs, thanks for thinking on a product like this and congrats for the launch!
I also want to add that I cannot confirm my email (I get an error with the url url3551.spotted.io). Hope this gets solved in the near future!
@miguel_gomez10 thanks for the feedback! We implemented some changes last night that seem to have broken a few things. We're on it this morning. Good spot!! I'll let you know you once a fix is in place.
@nick_thandi, one more thing I would like to mention is that the experience, when two jobs overlap each other, is summed-up as if they were different jobs and not overlapping.