Kevin William David

Springzo Voice to Words - Turn voice notes into content. Handcrafted & not automated.

Record a voice note and share it with us. A professional writer will listen to the voice note, research the topic, and transform your thoughts into engaging blog articles or emails. That's like having a personal writer by your side.

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Shalin TJ
Thanks a lot of @kevin for your support. Hey folks, we're very excited to launch Springzo Voice to Words today. For as long as I remember, I have always been a voracious reader and a compulsive note-taker. More often than not, you'd find me filling pages with whatever was on my mind, what I thought, etc. But here's the interesting thing. The moment I sat in front of my computer to transform those hand-written notes into a blog article or an email, I sucked. I found it challenging to write, to translate my thoughts into a structure that's easy to understand for others. It would take me days to write even two pages on a Google Doc. And God help me if I was supposed to write something from scratch, rather than the usual scribbled notes in my notebook. I must say, "I was staring at a blank Google Docs" is not a myth. I tried everything to get rid of all the distractions. Going Airplane mode, trying to write early mornings, late nights, weekends, and whatnot. I was just not able to find that cadence to write. And this was despite me knowing that writing is going to help me and my business. You can't build an audience without putting out engaging content. Can you? But, finding the time or having the discipline to write when you are running a growing business is a challenge, to say the least. And that's when I had my lightbulb moment. I realized, apart from jotting down notes, I also loved to speak about my ideas. Two, if I was required to do light edits to a document, I was pretty quick. Eventually, what I got around to doing was, I would record a voice note on my phone, or just write bullet points of what was on my mind. I would then send it to any of our staff writers. They would hear the voice notes, do the necessary research, and write an article. Almost every time, the writers were able to nail the thoughts I wanted to communicate, the opinions I wanted to share. Once in a while, I would be required to make some light edits but by and large, our writers nailed it. If they are reading this, I would like to say thanks to them. I owe you a lot. Also, this idea just worked. It was awesome. I was able to ship more content to market our agency - writing blog articles, memos, internal emails, long-form lead generation emails, et al. And I thought why can't a service like this exist? That's how the idea of Voice to Words came in to being. Give it a spin! We have designed the service to ensure that there's the least amount of back-and-forth in getting the content right. You can order high-quality content in the hassle-free way! How it works? 1. Record a voice note on your mobile. It can be as small as a minute. Share whatever is on your mind. 2. Email it to us. 3. A professional writer will hear the voice note, research the topic, and write an engaging blog article or a long-form email. 4. We take 3-4 days to write and send you the article. There could be endless possibilities about where you could use this content - blog articles, Linkedin posts, Linkedin articles, long-form emails, updates on the industry, sharing industry reports, etc. You could just write drafts and share a voice note along with it and get our writers to turn it into a publish-ready content piece. I would love to see you give the service a try and help us with your feedback.
Alvin Hung
@kevin @shalinjain27 Congrats, this is a much needed service! Does the writer come back and discuss with me about the article before he puts everything together? How much control do I get? Looking forward to giving Springzo a try!!
Shalin TJ
@alvinhung Hey Alvin. Thanks! Yep, the writers do share the outline for the first couple of articles. This helps ensure they capture your ideas right. We look forward to work with you.
Neeraj Wasan
With the help of this new tool, it's now a lot easier to communicate the ideas on the go. Kudos to Springzo team!
Shalin TJ
@neeraj_wasan1 Thanks a lot Neeraj. Appreciate your continued support 🙌
Amit Arora
This can help me to quickly share ideas while I travel and leave the rest as that will get done. Nice.
Shalin TJ
@amit_arora Thanks Amit...
Ankit  Maheshwari
Loved the product. I usually get tons of ideas, while not at my desk. I sometimes try to take voice notes, but converting them into text is a pain. Concept of springzo is pretty nice. Quick Question - Are you guys working with Evernote integration as well?
Shalin TJ
@ankitind1 Evernote integration is a great idea! Like, have a system to automatically pull voice notes from a user's particular notebook and turn them in to blog articles or newsletters 👍
Gabrielle Kim
Wow this concept is a great idea! I think everyone secretly journals in their notes folder on their phone. I'll have to give this a try when the opportunity presents itself :)
Shalin TJ
@gabrielle_kim1 Aha! I thought it's just me :-)
Siarhei Siniak
what's that?
Wow this is super cool and nails the exact pain point that I have. As a founder, I get so many different ideas bitt translating them all into a well written piece of content is the challenge. So this is perfect! Kudos to the team :)
Shalin TJ
@satiwick1 Thanks Satwick, appreciate the support.
Rohan Mehta
Great idea! I see myself using it in a couple of weeks.
Shalin TJ
@rohanmehta Thanks Rohan!
Mohit Bansal
I love the idea. So many times, I have ideas floating in my head and by the time I get to putting them down on paper, they are gone!
Jayesh Gopalan
Wow, this is super idea as many times writing blog takes time vs just using voice to take notes and get it converted into content. Kudos to the team :)