Andrey Sergeenkov

BTC PEERS - TL;DR news about crypto, bitcoin, blockchain, defi


We just publish TL;DR cryptocurrency news with no fluff.

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Andrey Sergeenkov
Centralized government and corporations benefit from keeping the rich richer and the poor poorer. We believe in a world that is decentralized. It is impossible to accelerate the development of our society without transforming government and finance; without transferring the right to make decisions to lower authorities, without expanding self-government, without public participation in decision-making processes, and without the free discussion of all issues related to public and government life; in a word, without the decentralization of society. Developing BTC PEERS, we chose the no-marketing / no-fake approach, which means that readers will be free from data-collection, banners, pop-ups, and other annoying techniques that marketers have invented to get the most out of their traffic - which is what they call their audience. We intend to treat our readers with respect. And such an approach allows us to grow rapidly. 525 resources have used BTC Peers as a source of information and have linked to us 3500+ times. Here are some of the platforms which trust us and linking to BTC Peers as a source of data: Entrepreneur, International Business Times,,, Forbes India, Hacker Noon, Seeking Alpha, Coinspeaker, Daily Hodl, CoinGape.