Ziko Sichinava

Stack - Tweetdeck for all your social apps


Stack is a mac application for all your social media web apps.

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Hi @zikosichi I went to check this out and hit a firebase error: ```{ "error": { "code": 402, "message": "Quota has been exceeded for this project. Please visit the Firebase pricing page to learn more." } }``` just thought you'd like to know! Product looks great, can't wait to try it out! 😃
Ziko Sichinava
Dear @smallchatapp , First of all thanks for your comment. We are really sorry for this inconvenience. The download URL is fixed now and updated. You can download the application from our website now without any issues. https://stackapp.download/
Cow Chan

This app just puts the different SNS sites in one.


Not found


Don't need

Ziko Sichinava
@cowcfj Hi Cow, I just launched Stack 2.0 on Product Hunt. If you find time, please check it out and share your thoughts. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
* Windows Version * Support for Telegram
Ziko Sichinava
@lashahriar in the roadmap
Your download link isn't working. Would love to try this.
Ziko Sichinava
Dear @chriscchan, We are really sorry for inconvenience. The download URL is fixed and updated. You can download the application from our website now without any issues. https://stackapp.download/
Evan Palmer
Good Idea for anyone trying to manage growth across multiple chanels- beautiful UI as well
Ziko Sichinava
@evan_palmer1 Hi Evan, I just launched Stack 2.0 Please check it out
Travis Carver
This is great! Is there an option to add multiple profiles? For example business social channels and personal social channels.
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @tcarver09 , Right now there is no option for that but It is in the roadmap
Ziko Sichinava
@tcarver09 HiTravis, I just launched Stack 2.0 on Product Hunt! Please check it out share your thoughts
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Ziko Sichinava
@stevenjames Yes it is
Congrats on launching! What platforms do you support and how much customization is possible in terms of number of posts displayed, hashtags tracked etc? @zikosichi
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @abadesi. Thanks for your comment. Currently only mac platform is supported. There are no any limitation in the applications. You get native experience in each social application
very handy , good job !!
Ziko Sichinava
@subindev Hey, how is it going? I launched Stack 2.0 on PH, please check it out
Daniel Stancu
Got this error when app started https://screencast.com/t/LkRNt6RQ4
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @birkof, Sorry for the inconvenience. We have detected a small bug, fixed it and deployed. Please download it again and install fixed version. Thanks for your support. http://stackapp.download/
Ziko Sichinava
@birkof In this version, there is a custom updater in the application. For the next release, autoupdater is the N1 priority in our list
Guri Sitchinava
მშვენიერი ნამუშევარია გამიხარდა რომ ქართველიც აქტიურად ჰანთერობს ^^
Ziko Sichinava
გაიხარე გური
Oleksandr Senyuk
Helpful! Can ProductHunt be added, too?
Ziko Sichinava
Thanks @oleksandr_senyuk. Will be adding in next releases
Ziko Sichinava
@oleksandr_senyuk Hi Olleksandr, I just launched Stack 2.0 on Product Hunt! Check it out and share your feedback
Emmanuel B. Lepage
What's the difference between your product and Hootsuite?
Ziko Sichinava
Hi, @emmanuel_b_lepage, Hootsuite is a complete social marketing tool which is mostly used by marketers. But Stack is a simple desktop application that is easy accessible and free
Claudio Jr Christensen Theill
Hi guys. Nice app and I see a great potential. At the moment I wish I could open up more Instagram windows with different profiles for each window and a little bug for You: when I clicked on the feedback link, it showed a 404 error message from Product Hunt :)
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @claudio_jr_christensen_theill, Thanks a lot for catching the bug :) Multi sessions feature is in the roadmap and will be included in future releases
Ziko Sichinava
@claudio_jr_christensen_theill Hi Claudio, I just launched Stack 2.0 on Product Hunt. Please check it out and share your thoughts : )
Aldira Putra Raharja
Hi @zikosichi really great apps. but I found that I can't comment on facebook. There's no comment field displayed. It's good on Instagram though
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @diraldira , Thanks for the catch. Added in the list. Will be fixed in next release
Ziko Sichinava
@diraldira Hi Aldira, I just launched Stack 2.0 on Product Hunt. Please check it out and share your feedback : )
Pavel Kozlov
I don't have mac (at thi moment), but i have question. Can i add 2 instagram windows with different accounts, or 2 twitter different accounts? If yes - i will try and use it :)
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @pavelkozlov, At this moment you can use only one account at the same time. But the feature will be available in the next releases
Atul Yadav
This is great utility indeed. Reminds me of how tweetdeck made it convinient to keep a tab on everything in Twitter. Trying it soon
Ziko Sichinava
@atuly Hi Atul, I just launched Stack 2.0 on PH. Please check it out and share your thoughts.
Gaddafi Rusli
Now that most of the big apps have a proper mobile version / PWA, this makes a lot of sense. Great idea and good job @zikosichi 💪! I'm using it to manage my multiple twitter accounts 👌 ps: Clicking on IG story makes the whole app goes into the fullscreen mode. Not a big deal, but thought u might want to look into it. Edit: Apparently can't really use it for multiple Twitter accounts. I guess shared sessions? Haha
Ziko Sichinava
Hi @gaddafirusli. Thanks a lot for your positive feedback. Just checked the IG story. Great catch. Will be fixed for the next release. Regarding the multiple sessions it is in the roadmap. So the future versions will have that option as well
Maanas Dewangan
Hi...Nice app....is there any plan for WINDOWS version of this App??
Ziko Sichinava
Thanks @maanas999, Yes it is in the roadmap.
Patrick Wu
How about WeChat?