Johnny O'Donnell

Stacks - A bookshelf for your online courses


Showcase your Coursera, edX, Udacity and Udemy courses on Stacks.

Keep your followers up-to-date with what you've been working on.

Knowing that your followers will receive an email when you complete a course helps to keep you motivated.

Share your accomplishments to social media.

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Really nice @johnnyodonnell :) It'd be nice if people could leave comments like "How's the course?" "Hey I know that topic, let me know if you need any help!" on each others' activity 🙌
Johnny O'Donnell
@amrith I agree, that would be nice! The ability to comment and like is on our roadmap
Johnny O'Donnell
@amrith Excited to share with you that we have added likes and comments Stacks!