@kwdinc@_jacksmith hey everyone! Wasn't expecting this so soon, thanks for sharing! Yes, Leanstack is now StackShare (details here: http://stackshare.io/posts/leans...). The new site is much more focused on the community and letting people share what they use to learn from one another.
Companies we'd never imagined would join like Pitchfork (http://stackshare.io/pitchfork/p...) and The New Yorker (http://stackshare.io/new-yorker/...) have started sharing their tech stacks, so we're super excited about the possibilities.
Happy to answer any questions!
@yonasbe@kwdinc@_jacksmith This is awesome! Me and many others I'm sure have always wondered what technology stacks are run by some of the companies we know today. I have a few questions:
1) I currently use BuiltWith chrome extension, in which ways are you different than this?
2) Have you thought about using this platform to recommend to the current generation what jobs tech/stacks to focus on?
Thanks in advance!
@raj_ventures@kwdinc@_jacksmith good question! BuiltWith is great. They have a ton of data and they've built a pretty robust solution to keep it up to date. Although, data about backend tools/infrastructure is hard and often impossible to gather in an automated way.
StackShare is all about the discussion surrounding tools and services (reviews, comments, feedback). It's mainly for developers that are trying to make decisions about what to use. The data aspect is only a means to an end. You need the data to have a meaningful discussion about the tools/services. Simplest analogy is: StackShare = Stack Overflow + Yelp.
We're definitely thinking about the jobs/recruitment aspect. Thanks for the suggestion :)
@yonasbe@kwdinc@_jacksmith Thanks for the reply Yonas. It would be great to also see when or before mergers or acquisitions happen, common tech stacks are visible in determining compatibility between two products as well.
Learn about the tech stack behind some of the world's best software companies. See which tools and services they use, and how they're using them.
Discover over 1,300 of the best dev tools and infrastructure services and see why other developers use them.
Tell other developers what you use to build specific apps and infrastructure. Learn how other developers are using tools.
This is great! I was doing a more in-depth version of this over at http://CodeInsider.us a while back. Nice work on the rebrand and launch, Yonas and team!
@yonasbe stackshare is awesome, and I found a thing called @wappalyzer, I am curious, have you considered crawling / collaborating with @wappalyzer team to massively expand your database? would be fun to see the data loaded into as well
Hustle X