After playing around with it a while I can think it's a good start, but it's too basic to be very useful at this time.
For example, I tried making a app that would let users sign up for my Mailchimp newsletter by just signing in with Google (and then populating the FirstName and LastName fields in MC from the Google user info) . But when I set up the task "New user Signup" > "New subscriber in Mailchimp", there are only fields for email address and list. No fields for names or anything else from Mailchimp.
Another thing is user management. Is it really impossible to delete users? Or edit them? Or import them? Or have custom values (that could be filled by a form, for example). Is it something I am missing?
Don't take me wrong, I love the concept and hope you get all of this sorted over time, but currently I find it too limiting and confusing to do anything meaningful with it.
@Giuliano84 Great to hear back, glad it's on the roadmap. If anyone else reads this and need a workaround for 1), using the e-mail action in Stamplay together with the e-mail parser of Zapier, I got all the fields I wanted filled in Mailchimp (through Zapier).
To clarify 2), custom fields are not meant to replace other CRMs, but to accompany them. If I were to use Stamplay for a production app, it's important that *my users* can edit all their info in one place (the stamplay app), and that there are ways of syncing that info to whatever CRM or marketing tool (such as mailchimp) so that it is useful to me as well.
interesting concept, but the site seems super buggy at this stage for me. getting quite a few error messages etc.
e.g. the layout section just keeps spinning and is unclickable, even when I refresh the page: http://www.webpagescreenshot.inf...
This is a seriously interesting piece of kit. I have a few super simple ideas that I'll play around with in Stamplay. Could be a nice starting point for testing functional MVPs without writing code.
Hi, I'm the cofounder of Stamplay and we want developers to no longer need to write server-side business logic, test code, manage and scale infrastructure
Stamplay brings together powerful components and your favorites services APIs in a way that you just have to pick them and define simple rules like: “when a user sign up with Facebook, post it on its Facebook timeline and welcome him with an email”.
After that you’re up and running and then you have access to all the frontend code which is completely customizable and where you can use your favorite tools and frameworks. And that’s not all because Stamplay automatically generates the backend to give you total control on your data.
Hi @_jacksmith that's quite strange, I'll check it out right now, usually it takes no more than 30 secs to generate a brand new frontend scaffolding for a new app. Let me check that for you!
Are you using plugins like Ad Block or similar?
-- Update ---
Talkin to @MrAkashSharma and others and they have not encountered any issue at the moment. We fixed that for you and we are looking deeper to understand what caused this :)
Hi @ffumarola being told that we look like a FB product makes us very proud of our work :)
Parse and most of the BaaS around are solutions that have modular systems and offer general purpose functionalities for mobile development, ranging from registration and user management to messaging.
But, if we adopt a broader view and consider BaaS solutions as platforms to support any type of cloud-based application, it is easy to decide that it is necessary to extend the model and add components as if BaaS were a big box of Lego bricks.
Developers can use a large number of tools to focus most efficiently on what really creates value. Cloud services are ideal here and can help reduce costs, reduce errors, increase flexibility, improve security, and delegate non-core activities.
So we leveraged a visual programming language inspired by IFTTT. All the components of our platform can be combined with each other with simple rules and this approach has proved to be very easy to learn. In this way, setting up the backend of an app takes only a few hours instead of several days.
Finally developing an application is not just a matter of building a product: often, it is necessary to integrate the app with platforms that provide essential services for business (CRM, ERP, help desk and so on). Or, it can be extremely convenient to integrate the features offered by highly specialized SaaS. Or, again, it is necessary to have a dialogue with the growing number of connected devices. And Stamplay makes these integration a breeze :)
Hi @kjemperud, thanks for the valuable feedback.
In these two specific use case here are your answer:
1) We didn't want to make using actions too difficult so we did not expose all params that complex endpoints like Mailchimp's ones. We prefer to get feedback from our users to deliver the ideal experience. Adding the chance to leverage some basic merge_vars makes a lot of sense and we will handle it in super short time.
2) Pretty same logic as above, needs in managing users are very wide and doesnt really makes sense to us to re-implement or reinvent complex functionalities already exposed by most of the CRM. On the other hand we know that User component is a very core functionality in an app and we already have in our roadmap to add the chance to extend them with custom fields and some kind of BYOU (Bring your own users) functionalities cause you're not the first to ask something like this :)
So just stay tuned and we will be back at you with cool news very soon!
Hi @DylanLaCom, @dshan of course, we started seeing some nice use cases by users like a simple ticketing system for its employees ( which let people ask for a day off and that creates cards inside trello boards so that HR people can handle them.
Others used Stamplay to create a promotional campaign with YouTube videos and embedded it on Facebook So there are pretty wide and different the use cases and is it really up to the users to imagine what they can achieve. Basically is like having lego blocks, connect them and then pour some UI on it :)
Hi @kjemperud just a quick note to tell you that now mailchimp supports fname and lname merge tags. Moreover we started publishing some practical use cases and maybe this one can be of interest to you