Raz Karmi

Capture - 3D scan anything with your iPhone


Use Capture to take 3D scans, share them with friends, or save and download them in any file format.

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Elena Zhizhimontova
Looks really cool - almost like a cheat to get some 3D models for my apps πŸ˜› In the app, what's the gesture for flipping the camera from selfie mode to the back camera?
Garrett Spiegel
@zelena Great question πŸ˜„ The app requires the TrueDepth camera on the front of the phone (where the 'notch' is) to gather depth data - just like FaceID to unlock your phone. That's why it only works in "selfie mode", or with the front camera. We anticipate there will be a depth camera on the rear of the phone in the future, but in the meantime, we're working on some phone attachments that will help redirect the IR rays so you can still see the screen while you scan.
Galbiati Giovanni
@zelena @garrettspiegel Hi Garrett! Would it be possible to stream the video feed to an Apple Watch while scanning to use it as a viewfinder? Awesome app by the way ;)
Garrett Spiegel
@zelena @giovagalbiati You can definitely either Airplay to a compatible device or view your screen through USB via Quicktime on your laptop (the latter is how we captured the screen for the videos above) Like I mentioned, we're working on an attachment that will redirect the rays 90 degrees so you can still be looking at your screen while you scan things from the top of your phone. And thanks!
Ofir Kedmi
@garrettspiegel Great app! I would suggest making an Apple Watch app in the meantime that can be the monitor, like the native Apple Watch Camera app.
Aaron Thompson
@garrettspiegel @ofir_kedmi That would be great, and wish we could! But alas, Apple doesn't expose the API for developers to stream live video from iOS to Apple Watch apps like the native Camera app does.
Jeff Higgins
I’ve been running around all morning grabbing models from different objects just to check how well this app can pull a mesh and it’s held up. I’m not talking just a can of soda, I’ve been grabbing people, full-size cars, and furniture. Besides being just a fun tool, this can really help with some 3D modeling aspects. Awesome job guys! πŸ™Œ
Yan Sidyakin
You can only scan using the front camera?
Garrett Spiegel
@yan_sidyakin Thanks for asking! We're working on making this more obvious in the listing and in the app. The summary is: The app requires the TrueDepth camera on the front of the phone (where the 'notch' is) to gather depth data - just like FaceID to unlock your phone. That's why it only works in "selfie mode", or with the front camera. We anticipate there will be a depth camera on the rear of the phone in the future, but in the meantime, we're working on some phone attachments that will help redirect the IR rays so you can still see the screen while you scan.
Jimmy Gunawan
I have been using this free to use Capture 3D app for a few weeks now since its launch. This is truly one of those apps that should have come preinstalled with iPhone X or iPad Pro 2018 with True Depth camera. Capture app unlocks the ability for user to scan the point cloud data, complete with color and normal data for further processing. The raw PLY data currently accessible via their online cloud storage for further processing or sharing via Sketchfab. While from the device itself we are able to export USDZ format mesh (currently as triangles point cloud, no color or texture yet), and THIS is I think one of a big thing. Easily scan anything and share it as raw point cloud is a huge thing. I am hoping that the app can continue to be developed, offering features and services for 3D processing and allows professionals and non 3D users to understand the possibilities.
Garrett Spiegel
@jimmygunawanapp Thanks for sharing, @jimmygunawanapp! We'll be adding meshing soon - and once there are some external bugs fixed with the color/USDZ data, we'll add that in too!
Andreas Duess
Would love to play with this, but can't get it to work at all. Either I am getting a "too fast" message (even when the phone is stationary) or the recording stops a couple of seconds into the process.
Garrett Spiegel
@andreasduess Thanks for giving it a download! Shoot me a note at capture [at] standardcyborg.com and I can help troubleshoot. The usual culprit is a low battery or a phone in power saving mode - in both instances, the memory allowed is throttled and the app can't function like normal.
Sam Jacobson
Ahead of its time!
Gary Fung
This is a killer app for AR!
Garrett Spiegel
Thanks for hunting, @razkarmi - We're really excited to share this with everyone! It's free on the app store (compatible with iPhone X, Xs, Xr, iPad Pro 2018) and lets you take a scan of anything using the TrueDepth camera and then share that scan with anyone (in 2D or 3D). If anyone has any questions or feedback, please let us know! We're all ears! βœ‹
Viktorya Ashughyan
Jeroen De Prest
This is a really cool tech demo of what phones are capable of
James Li
Just downloaded and tried it out - super cool!
Clayton Parker
Now we are talking! I need to get an iphone X now. I've got to check this out on my ipad pro... what file formats does this export as? I run a 3D Printing / Cosplay youtube channel. This could be really damn interesting!
Garrett Spiegel
@unclejessy4real Right now the app exports as a USDZ for viewing on iPhones, or you can head to platform.standardcyborg.com (where your scans are sync'd if you sign up for an account) and download as a .ply. From there, it should be easy to convert to .obj or .stl (here's a basic walkthrough if you don't know how: https://drive.google.com/file/d/...
Pite Bitish
I have downloaded since the app on App Store said it required ip6s and above (mine is ip7+), but the in-app said that it require at least ipX to run the app. Is this a bug or it really require at least a X model to run the app?
Garrett Spiegel
@pite_bitish Unfortunately the app store doesn't let us differentiate compatibility by phone model so the posting says it's compatible with all models. The app requires the TrueDepth camera (the same sensor used for FaceID/where the notch is) in order to gather depth data and create a 3D scan, so you'll need something like the X or newer.
Ted Chen
Would definitely download this super cool product! Really satisfied my desire for creating little objects anywhere and anytime.
Donald Saint-Val
This is pretty awesome. Even for something as simple as interior home design, this could be a game changer. Great job!
Andrew Yates
Curious if it would be possible to rotate the object being scanned instead of the iPhone itself? Guess that might not work out of the box? For those wanting to see the screen while scanning you could try and tether to a Mac and use Quicktime to view the screen. Might just get a little tangled while scanning. Tempted to give this a shot to add AR to Shopify listings.
Garrett Spiegel
@ay8s Yes! you can do that for some objects, as long as you're not capturing any of the stable background (e.g. you can do this for a head if you don't capture the stable shoulders). We'll make this significantly easier in the future, though! Thanks for the suggestion! Yes - this is how we do our recording and made those videos πŸ˜ƒ Sounds like a great idea! Our SDK should be available in January!
Ingo Radatz
Capture + 3D printer = open an facial recognition lock? πŸ€“
anders salvesen
I am trying this app on my ipad pro 3 gen, and it has the iphone size on the screen, and that doens't bother me too much, but where's the capture button? do i have to scan it enough to get the capture button?
sanam shrestha
Can you give some idea on how you capture foreground only..