I love the idea of "making a customized copy of your resume for each application and then only give that link to one company" but that's only in the pro version that's 5$ per month. Of course you can only subscribe for a month and make all the resumes you need so the pricing isn't the biggest issue.
The problem for me is the PDF export: the margins on the left and right are huge, which results in unneccesarily long resumes. I think that - to a reqruiter - that would look like you are just trying to make your resume longer to appear more experienced when you could have easily fitted those 2 pages into 1 if it wasn't for the page margin.
Something else that's very annoying is that when editing a bullet point you can only see 1 line of text. Maybe that's intetntional so that we don't write too much on a bullet point BUT it does not take into account the long names, titles, etc that often have to be fitted in there.
I'd also like a bit more control over the layout, e.g. skills first, experience first etc.
With that said, I do like this product and consider using it. It's just not good enough to pay for yet in my opinion...
Please inmprove :)
Pros:minimal, pleasing standard theme
Cons:can't have paragraphs, when editing a bullet point you can only see 1 line of text, 5$ per month for pro is kinda expensive in my opinion
That's what I get, when clicking on an old link, maybe sent via mail: 404: The page could not be found Code: FILE_NOT_FOUND (And when I try to log-in the a different mailadress, I get the error message "this user is maybe deleted".
Pros:Nice & simple.
Cons:Changing the URL structure for resume profiles – without further notice or even a redirect?. Not good.
Foreign Ipsum