Nihey Takizawa

Among Us Ejector - Create your own Among Us ejection GIF animation


Ejector allows you to create an Among Us ejection GIF. This can be used for many funny purposes, such as:
- Kicking someone off a group
- Blocking someone
- Firing a bad person
- Leaving a bad company
- Mailing your users when they churn

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Alexandru Constantin
"Mailing your users when they churn" I LOLd
Nihey Takizawa
@alexandru_constantin4 If by any way I get to monetize this, I'll make sure to implement this feature. 😂
Harsh Gelda
This is insanely creative! Absolutely Loved it. Thanks for this. KUDOS!!
Nihey Takizawa
@harsh_gelda Thanks for the feedback!
Can you put a hat on the character
Nihey Takizawa
@skye_9987 It is not possible right now, but we can add this feature on the future! Subscribe to our mailing list and we'll tell you about it when its done. 😉
andré cad games
Muito bom
Nihey Takizawa
@andre_cad_games Legal que curtiu André, valeu pelo apoio!
Nicholas Figueiredo Bassi
Fiquei usando esse criador de GIF por 1 hora
Nihey Takizawa
@nicholas_figueiredo_bassi Legal Nicholas! Conseguiu fazer uns GIFs legais lá? Se tiver algum feedback para melhorar o site é só falar.
Quando eu baixo o gif sai com poucos fps :(
Nihey Takizawa
@mint1 Acabamos fazendo o download em GIF em qualidade menor para ter um tempo de geração e tamanho de arquivo pequeno. Mas em breve vamos lançar uma funcionalidade de download de vídeo em melhor qualidade 😉
Nihey Takizawa
Hello Product Hunt! 👋 I've been working automating videos for some years as my side project with my business partner @brorlandi . Over these last years we've already delivered more than 200.000 unique videos for our users at Kassel Labs, and it was just our side business. 🚀 On the last year, we're working full time in our own video automation tool. Among Us Ejector is just a gift to the community that displays a fraction of what we are capable of doing in our spare time. 🌌 We hope you enjoy ejecting things there!
Arlette Ikorineza
For Instagram
Ed Najarro
🔥🔥 Thanks!
Riley Norris
Hi!Can you make an node js API for this product?Please:D
Nihey Takizawa
@nothing2 Hi! This sounds like a nice feature, another person has already required it for us some weeks ago! Keep subscribed on our mailing list and we'll keep you updated.