Starling Bank - The mobile only bank account 💸
Manage your money from your mobile with Starling’s mobile-only accounts for either personal or business, alongside our beautifully intuitive app.
Manage your money from your mobile with Starling’s mobile-only accounts for either personal or business, alongside our beautifully intuitive app.
For me, it's a 2 horse race between Starling and Monzo in the mobile challenger bank space. It is really, really good to have these two pushing each other. Sure you have options like Revolut and Atom, but I think these two just edge it.
I've used both Starling and Monzo for about a year and they are both excellent, truly excellent. I have never had a problem with either. In terms of functionality, they are both pretty similar but Starling are further ahead with their business and offerings as a whole. They were first to overdrafts, Apple Pay and business accounts.
However, I had Monzo about a month before Starling, and although feature wise Starling just edges it, I can't bring myself to switch over. It's about being part of Monzo's incredible community, I prefer the app (although Starling's does look snazzier) and having that sweet coral card alongside all the other people, admittedly just in London, is pretty cool. Is that potentially a odd reason to choose one product over another? Yes, probably, but that's just the effect Monzo has over people. Oh, and my mum uses it, that has to count for something.
Pros:Wonderful challenger bank, excellent UX, exceptional setup, good support, Apple Pay
Cons:I just can't leave Monzo's community :(
Product Hunt
These guys and gals aren't stopping with personal UK current accounts.
They've just released business accounts, international payments are available on Android, they have a public API for developers to integrate with and a marketplace of linked applications for wealth management.
They also run a payment services business.
Pros:100% mobile. (Also v. responsive & helpful people available by chat/phone). Great UI. Lots of neat features atop all the usual bank stuff.
Cons:I couldn't use the current account switching service to switch in from a joint account. No biggie. But worth knowing.
Awesome onboarding experience - within 15 mins you have a bank account setup to receive money and an Apple Pay card issued to spend it.
Pros:Apple Pay!
Cons:Doesn’t have Monzo’s community
I love that I can do EVERYTHING in app, unlike any other bank I've used in the past. I love features such as instant notifications and knowing to the second exactly how much money I have in my account.
Pros:I can achieve everything in app; unlike other banks.
Instant notifications.
24/7 cust. service; in-app and phone.
Speed adding new features.
Cons:Paying in cash via NatWest is clunky (am told Post Office support will be added soon.)
On the rarity I get a cheque it has to be posted in.
Great new challenger bank. Manage your account directly from your mobile. Great, superfast account opening procedures.
Pros:account opening process
A great way to do banking.
Pros:All done on your phone.
Cons:None at the moment.
Switched 7 months ago and never looked back – no issues whatsoever. Best banking app I've used, speedy with great UI/UX. Spending breakdown is very helpful, and specific security toggles to disable specifically any of ATM withdrawals, online payments, contactless or card transactions are reassuring to have. Transactions show instantly, and bank transfers, even international, seem to show up very quickly too.
Pros:Great UI/UX, speedy app, spending breakdown, instant transactions, Apple Pay
Cons:Yet to find any! Wish app home showed weekly or monthly breakdown
Dank Mono
I've been with Starling as my main account since May 2017 and I've never looked back! Fully jumping onto a modern bank account compared to one from a “traditional” company has been a breeze! Transactions go through immediately, notifications are amazing, spending breakdowns, name it!
Pros:Great UI, Comprehensive Overview over Spending, Frequent new features
Cons:Looking at Monzo, Starling is not the “first”, but definitely it's been first to become a bank
great bank, great ideas, great UI, great people - refreshing change
Pros:awesome - mobile only
Cons:have to put my password in too many times