Ben Tossell

StartUp Season 4, #7: Boundaries - Lines between Charney’s professional & personal relationship

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Ben Tossell
While Dov Charney was running American Apparel, he didn’t shy away from unconventionality. And for many entrepreneurs, breaking convention is an essential part of growing an innovative company. But pushing boundaries is one thing. Completely ignoring them is another. In this episode, we explore the nebulous lines between Charney’s professional and personal relationships. We ask the women of American Apparel what it was like to work for the former CEO and how, in a company where the boundaries aren’t clear, they could determine what was—and wasn’t—appropriate in the workplace.
Michael Sitver
@lisaechow I love this season! The focus on one entrepreneur (and a really oddball/eccentric/successful one too), and the depth you're going into is absolutely fantastic. It's also a real-time version of the classic story-arc. The success, the fall from grace, and the underdog comeback. I do think you guys focus a bit too much on Dov's personal issues, but I see why you feel that's relevent, and I'm so excited to hear the rest of the series.