Hey folks, this is a new email we did based off our regular 5 book a week recommendation email. This is going to be one (usually) new business book each week with a summary, several review quotes and of course, links to buy it.
I always liked reading a new business book every week or two, but the problem is time commitment and payoff. Reading most books takes at least 2-3 hours, and if I can't get at least one actionable takeaway, I always felt like I'd wasted my time. So this is our answer for helping find books that help you become a better founder, executive or manager.
@golocalapps this is sweet!
what encouraged you to do business specifically? do you see yourself verticalizing more and, if you did, which ones would you do first?
cc @jeffumbro@ericstromberg, @allisonveronica
For a long time, I pushed myself to read one business book a week with the goal of taking away something from it that would pay back the cost of the book + my time. So figure I need to make an extra $100 or save $100 for each book to be worth the read. So this is sorta to get back into that again for myself, and I know I'm not the only one with time issues. Committing 3 hours to read a book either has to be really entertaining or profitable.
But business books are also a still growing area. I see it in the books coming into the office here, and I know from discussions with you, Ryan and others, that the number of new books available (not even counting last years books you're just hearing about now) leaving one really looking for something to bring one book out over another.
The first newsletter we launched last year was for 5 books a week, typically 1 business book, two non-fiction, two fiction. But I'm limited on how much I can talk about any one book and keep the email skimmable. So expanding to into a new email where we can do a couple of paragraphs on one title I think will help the readers decide if this is their new book of the week.
New lists - yes. We're probably going to do a couple of kid email lists (picture, tweens and YA) and probably some more fiction based lists.
Sounds great. Personally I like to read one business-y book or so a month. Then mix it up with novels and nonfiction, but it's good to always know what is coming out.
@allisonveronica I figure people won't read every book, but our goal is to highlight what we think are some of the best. Our regular bookbuzz.email newsletter does five books each week, figuring that any given subscriber might pick one. I wish I could read all of them we recommend, but I have actual work to do, so I'm picking the best of what we find for my own reading.
@golocalapps im launching my new book its on amazon and here www.shortcutstosuccessandhappine... i'm really interested by your service, i can offer giveaways for you guys. I also have a 50% money back beginning this week when people make a review on amazon they get 50% back. Ping me on twitter @demoweb_co
@rrhoover Our original business was doing a print book review and that's still going on, I'm just less involved in that than I am in the app side of the business. That said, I see all of the new books we get every day, and its a pile. And we get a large amount of business books from a lot of the major publishers, so its easy to skim them to see what looks good enough to dive into deeper.
So for now, I'm going to be curating the list directly on things that I think will help people in a decision making business role. And I want to start adding in interviews with the authors and creating a place for discussion of the book from the subscribers to the list (call that phase two).
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