Startup Breeding
Choose your next startup idea
Sergey Shmidt
Startup Breeding — Find genius ideas for your next startup

Niv Dror
Clearly this is how every good idea in Silicon Valley gets started.
Daniel Schildt
Nice little project. :) How many individual startup choices do you currently have there (not counting matches)?
Sergey Shmidt
@autiomaa There are 83 startups, I don't know how to count unique combinations :)
Sergey Shmidt
@autiomaa if my calculations are correct - there are 3403 different breeds
@monstercritic @autiomaa I don't remember the proper equation for permutations but it's something like X = n(n-1)(n-2) and so on depending on how many spots you have available and assuming you can't have the same one selected twice there are 6806 combinations. Can someone tell me if this is right? I need to brush up on my elementary math. smh.
Sergey Shmidt
@kenrossi @autiomaa My formula was ((n * n)-n)/2. I can't explain why is it so, but I figured it out with simple numbers: 2,3,4 and 5 elements). There is no need in combinations like Spotify + Spotify; and Spotify + Snapchat is the same as Snapchat + Spotify.
@monstercritic @autiomaa Ah, I duplicated. I didn't take into account about order. I had to look this up ... C(n,r) = C(83,2) = 83 / (2 (83 - 2)) = 3403.
Saijo George
@stsilent nice work mate, loving the idea. Do you have plans to expand this in to things like domain name suggestion for breeds, etc?
ben Watanabe
Could see this being a fun tool for a hackathon. Have each team come up and hit the spacebar and then have to build something around the combo. Could see a nice slot machine style animation really getting it to "pop," but definitely realize that could be pretty tough to implement and probably not worth the time. Nice fun site! Congrats @MonsterCritic on the simple execution!
Nice idea :) It would be interesting to eventually "stick" one option. Like if you want to have ideas about something based on Flickr for example.
David Diamond
@stsilent I actually mentioned this in an interview with Paul Kemp about 2 months ago lol
Anshul Dhawan
pandora + tripadvisor : An intelligent trip recommendation app based on previous travel likes/dislikes .
Travis Weathers
@theanshuldhawan I love that idea. I'm an avid traveler with my wife and it was time consuming to find great travels!
Germán Castaño
I like creativity tools and this is nice and simple. I think it would be nice if visitors can like or dislike combinations, and maybe add a leaderboard of top 5 most liked or most hated combinations. I think this will add something cool to this idea. Great job.
Ryan Hoover
"Airbnb + Soundcloud" juuust might work.
Vlad Kudinov
@rrhoover Thanks for adding us Ryan! We hope it's the fun tool to brainstorm some freaky ideas ;)
Garet McKinley
Shazam + Zappos... There is probably actually a future for that combo, just need to create a shoe-recognition algorithm, which is pretty easy with all the machine learning/computer vision libraries.
Had an idea to map underlying technologies behind different startups and then try to combine those in new ways, but this is so much simpler and fun!
Josh Barkin
This is great. Snapchat + Git = Get code before it disappears
Sophie Le Roy
This is nice! It makes me think of Idea generation cards which also have a deck to combine different brands and apps: Basically you can shuffle cards of many different themes and associate words to generate ideas. It's a good tool to enhance creativity!
Derek Morin
Airbnb + Uber? Please don't steal my car!
Vlad Kudinov
@demoweb_co it's already here )
Shiv Patel
@stsilent @demoweb_co How was your experience with Turo been? Was talking to some team members there recently.
Henry Robinson

It looks like there is a bad link on Product Hunt. It takes me to a spammy page that starts a "Flash" Download. Obviously don't click on it.


It's a great idea


The website has been hacked

Manu Lohiya
this is great work with a neat design! @stsilent @monstercritic I am working on a similar concept with more of a user generated focus. It would be cool to collaborate!
Alexander Hirner
paypal + stripe | google + google pay ... sounds more like M&A or management buyout. will try harder next time ;)
Atul Pradhananga
Oculus + Skillshare = Revolution in online learning industry. Now that would be epic!
Vlad Kudinov
@atulpradhananga haha sounds good!
Stefan Theofilos
siri + @medium = @anchor? maybe?
Saeed Antonio

Redirects me to a random page... Good Idea, but don’t use this link.

Use https://morning-beyond-4046.hero...


Good Idea

