Ryan Hoover

Y Combinator Startup School Radio - Ep. 15: Ryan Hoover & Harry Zhang - YC partner, Aaron Harris, chats with Product Hunt's Ryan Ho…

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Seth Louey
This podcast is so good. I'm on my second time through taking notes from @rrhoover trying to figure out the best way to help grow Creators Log. Great questions @harris!
Erik Jacobson
@sethlouey Hey Seth - I got the notes for this episode taken care of for you! - http://us3.campaign-archive2.com...
Seth Louey
@erikbison say what?!? That's super clutch! New fan achieved. :)
@erikbison @sethlouey Wow! This is the find of the day! Subscribed to Podcast Wire and suggesting this to my colleagues! What an awesome service!
Erik Jacobson
@kristapslazda @sethlouey Thanks so much, Kristaps! Super happy to hear you dig it :) Means a lot you are suggesting it to some friends, it helps me out a lot!
Ryan Hoover
I had a great time with @harris, chatting about Product Hunt's origin story, our YC experience, and product in general. Side note: awesome to see YC create more content like this. Also check out their How to Start a Startup podcast created from their Stanford class.
Erik Jacobson
@rrhoover great episode, Ryan!
Josh Muccio
What an excellent episode! Nicely done @rrhoover