Jaisal Rathee

Startups.fyi - Discover 100+ profitable startups and how much $$$ they make

Discover real life examples of money-making online businesses and side-projects (and how much $$$ they make).

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Shushant Lakhyani
I love this tool, really helps one understand what products does the market love and what it doesn't. I love your newsletters as well. Keep going!
Jaisal Rathee
@shushant_lakhyani thanks for the amazing feedback Shushant! Glad you're enjoying the newsletter 🥳
Jaisal Rathee
thanks so much @valsopi 🥳
Katt Risen
One of my favorite newsletters that I read every week. Little bomb of inspiration for every founder!
Jaisal Rathee
@kattrisen Thanks so much for the support Katt!
Wow! I'm pretty sure everyone will learn something useful from your collection! Good luck!
Jaisal Rathee
@lucky_art_21 Thank you Irina!!
Oras Al-Kubaisi
One of my favorite startups newsletters. Clean, direct, and with all the useful information you'd expect from a high-quality newsletter.
Jaisal Rathee
@orask Wooop! Thank you for the support and kind words Oras! 🙏🏻
Sneha Saigal
This concept is great! There are so many ways for professionals to make money online but not all of them are easily accessible or discoverable - this is a great resource to look for those opportunities and make the most of them. Awesome work, Jaisal.
Jaisal Rathee
@sneha_saigal Thank you for the support Sneha 🙏🏻🤩
Davor Kolenc
Congratz and good luck!
Jaisal Rathee
@davor_kolenc Thanks Davor! :D
Gunnar Holm
Love this newsletter!
Jaisal Rathee
@gunnar_holm Woop! Thanks so much Gunnar! 🥳
Richard Patey
This newsletter is one of a few must weekly reads. Also big fan of the domain name, perfect fit.
Jaisal Rathee
@richardpatey Appreciate the support Richard!! I like Acquire.gg better ;)
Big fan of Startups.fyi! Congrats with V2!
Jaisal Rathee
@jonastwt Thanks so much Jonas! 🤩
Andrew Charlton
Good luck on the launch. Big fan of your newsletter!
Jaisal Rathee
@andrewacharlton Thanks for the support Andrew! 🤩
Ilya Novohatskyi
Great job, Jaisal 🔥
Andrew Gazdecki
Congrats on the launch!
Jaisal Rathee
@andrewgazdecki Thanks so much for the support Andrew!!
Nilan Saha
This is an awesome website to read stories and get inspired. Congrats on the launch.
Jaisal Rathee
@nilans Thanks for the support Nilan!!
Idin Sabahipour
This site is really awesome to: 1. satisfy my curiosity in finding cool new startups, and 2. motivating me in continuing to build mine! @jaisalr - amazing work, as usual!
Jaisal Rathee
@idin_sabahipour Thanks for the support Idin! 🥳🙏🏻
LaKisha Mosley
Love the newsletter. I find at least one new tool from it a week. Thanks so much.
Rich Watson
congrats on the launch !
Jaisal Rathee
@richw Thank you Rich! :)
Pranjali Bagal
All the best. Congrats on the launch!
Jorge Casals
Will take a look! Thanks!
Gayatri Taley
Great place to find inspiring startups! Congrats on the launch and keep growing 🔥
Jaisal Rathee
@gayatri_taley Thank you for the support Gayatri! Glad you're enjoying it 🥳
Congratulations Jaisal on the launch.
Jaisal Rathee
@falak_sher Thanks Falak! :D