Statamic is a flat-file content management system that makes mixing static and dynamic elements simple. It’s built on PHP, but you don’t need to know or write any PHP to use it.
It certainly sounds cool but when you make a claim like "An entirely new kind of CMS." but then I can only see half of a screenshot of the product, which honestly looks a lot like other CMS products, it weakens my desire to pay for it immediately.
Clicking around on the showcase and other pages, I couldn't find a demo of the CMS or screenshots. There really should be a page explaining what makes it new and different. The Learn section is not functional for this either as its seems to function mainly as documentation.
Pipe Cube
Radical Icons
Great CMS if you're used to working with Laravel.
Pros:No MySQL so easy to use with git and use on dev - staging - production.
No restrictions, total freedom (templates, layouts, code snippets)
Cons:Not as easy as WP.