Ben Tossell

Build on Standard Library - Zapier for Developers — Link Airtable, Stripe, Slack + more

Build on Standard Library allows anybody to build Zapier-style workflows and APIs with a powerful UI running atop serverless architecture. No code required to start — professional quality code gets generated for you automatically as part of the experience.

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Ryan Hoover
The workflow automation space is blowing up. How is this better built for developers, @keithwhor?
Keith Horwood
@rrhoover Hey Ryan! A few things: (1) Instead of trying to hide the nuts-and-bolts of software development, we make sure it's directly in your face -- but we generate the code for you to begin with, behind the scenes. No black boxes, everything is decomposable to code. (2) We include robust professional developer "tools of the trade" like version control, rollbacks, development environments, differentiation between development -> production buildpaths, powerful identity / auth management, and even API rate-limiting and access control. Things that everything except the most Enterprise-enabled workflow tools don't even begin to touch, but pro developers like to have control over. (3) Finally -- the future of software development is the *next* XX M software developers. We've worked our hardest to deliver a product that gives new devs (and "low coders") the tools they need to get started without alienating them *or* some of the more traditional engineers (like me, I'm one of the latter). Our insights, working with folks on the current product, is that "low-coders" aren't actually afraid to get their hands dirty with a little code from time to time -- in fact, many of them want to learn! It unlocks exciting career paths. I learned to code as a kid by copy and pasting code examples. We want this product to be able to provide that, where applicable, for anybody looking to dig in a little deeper to software development. Also -- we hope you like the docs, which can answer more questions!
Keith Horwood
Hey all! The Standard Library team (@hacubu @notoriaga @mss_ledezma) have been hard at work for the last nine months preparing Build on Standard Library. It's workflow automation for developers -- both veterans and newbies alike. Every workflow you build gets shipped as a serverless API, and it's completely backed by code. We're excited to see what you think, we have a lot more coming and a lot more to build. :) Feel free to read the introductory blog post that gives a bit of the history of the company: Thanks for all your support!
Chris Traganos

Best part about Build is it's one of many use cases for the Std.lib platform.


Was intuitive setup for platforms, triggers, and output. In building products, I often need a step up from Zapier


More platforms!!

Keith Horwood
Thanks Chris! 😊We're grateful to have your support.
Laurent Malka
Excellent tool! Well done! Looking forward to see more platforms.
Keith Horwood
@laurent_malka any APIs you’d like to see in particular?
Lucas Portet
Congrats! Do you provide an embed DB?
Keith Horwood
@lucas_p Thanks for asking! We provide the ability to: - Read from / write to Airtable, easily (our DB of choice) - Read from / write to Google Sheets as if it were a Database - A fast and simple key-value store, maintained by us Hope that helps! :)
Johannes Schickling
This looks awesome! Great job Keith and team! 🙌
Keith Horwood
@_schickling Thanks Johannes :). And thanks for being supportive / thoughtful all these years! We hope your team at Prisma has the opportunity to enjoy the new product as well. (I kept this one hidden from a lot of people while we worked out the kinks!)
Josh Davey
Beautiful and intuitive interface. Easy to get started and make something impactful. Great work!
Keith Horwood
@joshdavey ☝ this guy gave me my first real job in software, ever. Thanks, Josh. Would love to help your team get started with some simple automations!
Rohit Kaul
This has a lot of promise!
Kevin Yun
This is really awesome, and we're really looking into using this. Any special offers or credits you can provide to us PHers? :P
Keith Horwood
@kevinyun Sure! E-mail me — first name at We’ll be working with product champions to help deliver an even better experience. Would love to get you in the program.
Luca Kiedrowski
Hey! :) Awesome tool :)
Mohd Danish
This is Fire 🔥
Thanks for your great job.
Ellen Blaine

Ready to resurrect some Twilio projects that I abandoned because I didn't have time to code them up :)


As a UX researcher, I have to spin up lots of experiments in JS. Now I can spend less time coding and focus on the users!


Keep stuff like this coming :D

Keith Horwood
Ooh -- we'll need to add the Twilio API for that one. Don't worry, it's pretty much ready! We'll be rolling *a ton* more connector APIs out this summer. Maybe @jeffiel will see this and throw in his hat for support. ;)
Alex Sopinka

It's a flexible tool to get functions running quickly. I can add custom code logic when required, and Standard Library eliminates the need for all the scaffolding and third-party API scaffolding, saving me my most precious commodity: time. More integrations please! :D


Easy to use Flexible Time-saving


None I can find after using it for a few months.

Keith Horwood
Any connector APIs you'd like to see, specifically? :) We're taking requests!
I've used this extensively and it is fantastic. Battle tested in our production for over 50 users.
Jacob Lee
@almostthere Thanks for the kind words! Hope you enjoy the new product as well.
John McCants
This is amazing. Great work!
Nate Michaud
Great tool, looking forward to watching their ongoing development. Their team is top notch with exceptional customer service! Highly recommended!