Matthew Waller

Solarscene - The orbitally accurate ARKit solar system

Solarscene is a hyper-accurate augmented reality, ARKit solar system!

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Matthew Waller
Hello everyone. Here is an ARKit app I made to release this fall with iOS 11! Solarscene sets itself apart with hyper-realistic orbit paths on a human-comprehensible scale. While not affiliated with NASA, the orbits are calculated using NASA orbital mechanics research. You can find the open-source details on the actual calculations and how they were implemented here: The solar system model is also careful to account for the correct axis tilt, the retrograde rotation of Venus and Uranus, and the earth includes numerous textures: you can see city lights on the dark side, you can see a cloud layer, and it has 3D texture. You can move forward and backward in time to control the revolution of the solar system. And you can rotate, move and scale up the entire solar system. When you tap on a planet, you can see a random fact about the planet. There are ten facts for each planet. And the first screen of the app includes even more details for each of the planets (and Pluto). Meanwhile, premium features you can purchase in-app will let you add a starry background and toss the celestial bodies for fun! Let me know what you think :)