stickK - Empirically proven to transform goals into reality
stickK is a free goal-setting platform created by behavioral economists at Yale University. Unlike other goal-setting platforms, our methodology is specifically structured to help people leverage the power of incentives and accountability and is empirically proven to increase people’s chances of success by up to 3x.
I absolutely love the idea! With New Years resolutions around the corner, I can see this being used by many to tick to the goals they set for themselves. Having friends and peers to help push you to your goals can/will help immensely.
Pros:The interface looks very user friendly
Cons:Unsure about the lack of clarity on how the referees work in holding someone accountable to telling the truth.
Our Feels
The Stickk platform lets the user bet against themselves in order to better help them to make their goal. Started using it and so far its working well
Pros:Makes completing goals fun like a game
Cons:Not allowing me to set a large weight loss goal since it is deemed unhealthy
You can even add a "referee" to help keep you honest, and put money on the line (i.e., if you fail to meet the goal, donates to a cause you hate)..
Pros:easy to use, makes you follow through on your goals with many features
Cons:many steps needed to really fully benefit from the website
I was really keen on this initially, but it’s misleading. Communities is nothing of the sort as there’s no interaction, just reporting, and it looks like no one reads anyone else’s anyhow. My biggest gripe, however, is the laziness displayed by the uk charity setup. The “anti climate change” choice I dont think has existed for 5 years. They’ve listed only the 3 major political parties - surely the extremes would be better? UKIP, the Greens, Momentum, the ERG, Tommy Robinson, Leave.EU.... and to top it all off, nearly half of those listed teams?? I’m sure there are a few passionate female football fans, but seriously - heard of Brexit, maybe? The DUP & it’s anti-abortion stance? Lazy & gender biased. A simple couple of hours with Google could have come up with 100% better. Utterly unimpressed by these Yale Graduates, as they dont seem to know much outside of Amerca’s borders
Pros:Probably good if you’re American
Cons:Laughably pathetic list of uk charities.
I tried Stickk. I lost $600 and got nothing out of it. I signed up at the recommendation of a 6-week course I was taking (from a 3rd party), but I had to drop out of the course in the first week. I forgot about Stickk. It was there when I signed up that I was on the hook for $100 per week in big bold letters, but the "per week" spot faded from my memory. When I was going through my finances for tax time, lo and behold I was out $600. They continued to charge me $100 per week for 6 weeks ... and here's the part I'm upset about ... with absolutely no reminders, no notice, no e-mails, no receipt, no "hey, dude, it's odd that you have never so much as clicked a button as we keep taking your money". Legally it's my problem. Ethically, I think they are sketchy. I've contacted them. So far they have quoted me "terms of service" and "it's been too long" and "we told you what we were going to do". They said I was supposed to have received notices ... but I did not. If they do respond a little better I'll come back and let you know. But in summary ... be careful. It's just another web site that profits from distraction and forgetfulness, ironic for a site that's supposed to help with that exact thing.
Pros:I don't ever have to use them again. I got a quick reply when I complained.
Cons:They continued to charge me $100 per week for 6 weeks with no e-mails telling me that this was going on. See my story below.