I have a MessageMe group with my family and we use that to keep in touch throughout the day. It's a lot more fun and encourages us to share smaller things in our day-to-day that don't warrant a phone call. Oh, and doodles selfies.
@ak - what's the backstory for Stitch?
interesting. it seems like a low-level CRM. the challenge with something like this compared to a cross-platform CRM like contactually is that it wont pick up on other mediums which you use to communicate with friends & family (i.e. Skype, google chat etc).
I really like the simplicity of it though.
Hi everyone!
@rrhoover - the inspiration for the app came to me when I was putting together my wedding list and realized there were a number of people who mean a lot to me, but whom I hadn't had a *meaningful* conversation (facebook comments or Instagram likes don't count) with in over a year. I started thinking about how most social apps on our phones encourage many, loose relationships, what was missing was something encouraging me to maintain a few, strong relationships. I eventually realized that there was room for a very simple product which could markedly change my behavior for the better.
@_jacksmith - I think eventually the app could expand to include other types of communication, but I figured calls/SMS captured 80% of the value with 10% of the effort (given the access that Android natively supplies), so I've stuck with that for now. As a personal example, I Skype with family, but we often coordinate the call via SMS, so the app semi-works in those cases still.
I do wish I could build something for iOS but as @Anderson760 correctly points out, sandboxing means the app can't access call or text logs, so users would need to manually manage each contact which is too much work to be useful.
I have heard a couple of people who I would consider extraordinary extroverts (all iOS device owners, btw) voice a need for a product like this. They have large networks and constantly feel like they aren't keeping up with them well enough. So they want reminders that help them keep up a better communication cadence.
It is indeed as @_jacksmith noted a sort of CRM for your personal life. And that's especially helpful if you tend to blur your personal and professional networking activities. I'm interested to see how the concept evolves. Cool stuff, @ak.
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