Tomasz Karwatka

Storefront UI - The first Vue.js UI library dedicated to eCommerce

While most component libraries provide a great experience out of the box, they fail when it comes to heavy customization and performance. Our goal with Storefront UI was to overcome this problem and create a Vue.js based library that looks great

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Tomasz Karwatka
We are building Storefront UI based on the following 5 fundamentals: - Performance: You’re importing ONLY what you need, and in a raw format which means you can benefit from all build-time optimizations like tree shaking or grouping common chunks. - Customization: Along with standard prop-based customization, every component has a set of props that let you replace any part of it with your own images, icons or even custom HTML markup. In addition, every component is divided into separate HTML, CSS and JS files so you can compose your own components from only Storefront UI partials. - Best practices: Storefront UI components follow best practices in terms of design and core. Every component is based on the Google Retail UX Playbook and is accessibility-friendly. - E-commerce: As a UI library dedicated to eCommerce, Storefront UI has all the elements necessary for building modern online stores. - Open Source: Storefront UI is a community effort to deliver the best possible experience to modern web applications and e-commerce shops, with carefully crafted components following best practices. Our team consists of agencies and volunteer contributors from all over the world. Storefront UI is based on atomic design which means every component is built from tiny atoms that you can use in your application! You’re not limited to big UI components anymore. Use Storefront UI atoms to quickly build your own, great-looking components! Storefront UI is currently in alpha with plans to release the stable beta in July. Join the amazing team of Vue.js experts from all over the world and reshape the way we build component libraries together! Let’s make a components library that can finally be customized exactly the way we want.
Marlon Marcello
@tomik99 This looks fantastic! Gonna give it a try when I get home. I was wondering, do you HAVE to use Storefront? How does it work if you don't use it?
Denis Shershnev
Congrats @tomik99 and team! Awesome tool
Wiktor Sobolak
@eulerr Thank you! :)
Magda Szuster
Is Storefront UI only for eCommerce or can I build with it a usual website?
Wiktor Sobolak
@magda_szuster It is not limited to the eCommerce sites. Dedication in here, means that it has additional components that are useful in online store but there are also (and will be much more) components that you could use on any website
Jens de Rond

We are using it in combination with their awesome Vue Storefront solution for our PWA's.


Great extensibility


Needs more contributors ;)

Maya Shavin 🇮🇱🏡
Pro: Totally customizable A11y compliance Open source!! 😊 Cons: Need more contributors Love the fact that it’s open source and care about performance, which is important for eCommerce website. Great jobs everyone!
Daniel Bello

We are integrating it with Magento and are very pleased with it.


Really good documentation and support team


The more features - the better.


Great team


Easily Customizable and Great aesthetic design


still in beta

Stanisław Świątkiewicz

Easy to use and connect


Great design


Still fresh product

Lorena Ramonda

Wonderful product and great design!


highly customizable, a11y attentive


still not production ready but it's a matter of time :)

Leonardo Matos

The idea is awesome and it's becoming a really good tool, but stills on first releases and need more components to be usable. We're working hard to get it ready, but new contributors are always appreciated.


Highly customizable, eCommerce focused


On early stages of development yet (contributors welcome!)

Promise Ogbonna
Can it be used in production now ?
Wiktor Sobolak
@chidindu_ogbonna It is still in alpha version, but give it a month, and it will. As Storefront UI is open source project we welcome any contributors! The more contributors the faster it will be production ready :)
Filip Rakowski
@chidindu_ogbonna You can test it though if you're adventurous. Just follow the docs
Nolwenn Edmonds (Edmonds Commerce)

The most exciting thing in e-commerce right now


Avoid platform lockin, future proof, chosen my favourite JS framework


Still lots of work to do in getting it perfect, but making progress all the time

Tim Benniks

The library creators truly understand how to use Vue.js and they have spend a lot of time on DX. Good stuff.


Highly customisable, accessible, usable for enterprise and big eCommerce


To be made production ready, matter of time.

Piyush Lathiya
Well done team! 🙌
Patryk Tomczyk
Written in customisation in mind, not like any other UI library. Dedicated for ecommerce, but can be used literally in any Vue project. Dive inside repo and get amazed by how cool is that!
Victor Freriks

Great design, takes a lot of grief out of e-commerce development.


Fast setup, developer friendly, good performance


Not production ready yet