Create and sell interactive longform stories
Manish Malik
The ORY Editor β€” Next-gen content editor for the browser: WYSIWYG on steroids
Ross Currie
When the page loaded it said "An editable" and "Another editable". Is that meant to do that?
Joyjeet Sarkar
@rossdcurrie FOUC, flash of Unstyled content. A simple UI bug, easy to miss when you are developing on your local machine. I am sure the maker will fix it.
@rossdcurrie the content is rendered in the browser, causing the short flash in the beginning which is the initialization phase. in production you would pre-render your content server side and this would not happen
Rob Designs
I'm not sure if we need yet another web editor. Product hunt is full of them and they all get forgotten very quickly.
@robertsozolins chill Rob this one is opensource :)
Kurt Madsen
Digging into the documentation, it seems like a move toward table based websites (see https://ory.gitbooks.io/editor/c...). Is that accurate?
@damenleeturks if you mean table such in html tables then no, if you're thinking of grid-based then absolutely!
Csaba Kissi
Good work πŸ‘
Greg Hundermark
Looks cool! Is there integration with Wordpress yet?
@ghundermark not yet, but definitely an area we will explore! We also love contributions, if you want to take a look for yourself :)
Andrew Gryaznov
I don't get it - why are you reinventing the wheel? Why JSON? What's wrong with CSS and standards-compliant XML transformations? Do you build your own processing engine? Why?
It remember me of notion.so. Are you planning on making your electron app opensource too ? If not, thanks for sharing anyway, you are awesome :)
Itai Neter
Hey @Aeneas, that looks really really nice, but what about changing text color? or font? any plans to add these features?
Will Brennan
Hallowed are the ORY