
Story in a Bottle - Oz Lubling - 20 yrs of #UX experience & the neverending design challenges

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Oz Lubling’s lifelong obsession with the internet began at its inception; in a time when there were no rules or standards, he split is passions between graduate school years focused on Computer Science and a love for creating products and pushing the envelop. This carried over to the foundations of his professional career — a developer turned UX professional — when both disciplines were largely undefined and Mountain View was still a rural town in Northern California. Over lychee martinis Oz recalls the course of his 20+ year career alongside the growth of internet; why being employee number one of the now digital agency behemoth Razorfish gave him a front row seat its evolution and how after several years he’s found his way back to making products with its co-founder, Jeff Dachis at One Drop. What You’ll Learn: - The importance of context within product. - How even products which solve problems well can fail. - Why company culture may still have value in the modern tech world.