Chris Messina

Storyline - Create voice apps without coding

Top Hunter

Storyline makes it easy for non-tech people to create, test, and publish complex voice applications in minutes, using templates and visual mind-map interface. There is no need to code anything or setup servers. It’s like a Squarespace for voice apps.

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Vasili Shynkarenka
Thanks for sharing Storyline, @chrismessina! Hey everyone, welcome to Storyline! 👏 15 years ago, when I was watching Star Trek, I was amazed. They could literally make machines do something using only their voice. Now, it’s happening everywhere. There’s no doubt that voice applications are going to completely change the way we all live our daily lives. But the creation of voice apps is still broken. We believe that you don’t have to be a developer to share your story and create a presence in the emerging voice space. We keep complex tech behind the scenes and make it easy to create, test, and publish voice apps in minutes, using simple mind-map interface and pre-built templates. There’s no need to code anything and setup servers. And this is all available today! Sign up for Storyline and let us know if we’ve simplified the process of creating voice apps. P.S. check out our special template for Product Hunt, it’s fun and has a question about @rrhoover! 😉
Simon Chapman
@vasili_shinkorenko Nice one, thanks! I've just set up a simple app to ask my kids in the morning if they're feeling happy or sad, and respond accordingly (with a 'great! have a fun day' if they're happy, or a joke if they're sad). I can't wait to try it out tomorrow morning! There's a load of potential in this!
Oleksandr Gamaniuk
Looks awesome! Do you plan to support templates? We'd love to add voice bots to
Vasili Shynkarenka
@agamanyuk that's the secret plan! Our app makers already built a few ready to use :) We definitely need to chat 😉
Oleksandr Gamaniuk
@vasili_shinkorenko sounds good, let's start with something simple and see how It goes. We have good organic traffic for alexa skills on, I believe there is a demand.
Matthew Clementson
The simplest of interfaces, nice work! How do you anticipate connecting to 3rd party services?
Vasili Shynkarenka
@matthew_clementson that's the most requested feature right now! We are going to integrate with Zapier first and give you an ability to create an API module right from the canvas (like @mygooglespreadsheet). Then you'll have another tab where you can set up & customize these API modules
Matthew Clementson
@vasili_shinkorenko nice, I think Zapier opens a lot of doors very quickly. Looking forward to see where it's implemented within the UI. Which useful usecases have you seen prior to allowing 3rd party integrations.
Boris Berenberg
@vasili_shinkorenko Any way to get on a notification list for when this is in place? It's really not useful for me until you have this, but I want to remember to give this a try then.
Dillon Nichols
@vasili_shinkorenko Would love a way to query an API and parse the JSON response. Your UI for setting up the flow is great, but maybe take a look at Losant's UI for parsing JSON when the time comes. But this is definitely the easiest method I've seen for creating a skill.
Absolutely in love with this!
Maksim Abramchuk
@treggify Thanks a lot!
Maksim Abramchuk
@treggify Awesome, I'm excited!
@maximabramchuk Same! Since I'm a designer first, it makes rapidly prototyping a VUI way easier. Literally one of the coolest products I've seen launched related to voice. Clearly people here are stoked on it. I'll be sure to provide any insights I may have after using it heavily, if you're interested!
Vasili Shynkarenka
@maximabramchuk @treggify very interested, you can message us anytime in Intercom or hit me up on Twitter/Facebook! Thanks!
Lawrence Digital

Excited to build something!


Super Simple. Makes it so easy for a beginner to work with Alexa.



Jiaqi Pan
Congrats for the launch! Love the interface, would be interesting to see more template.
Vasili Shynkarenka
@jiaqip thank you! We'll add more templates soon, along with the gallery of best apps 👌
Dominique Dejonghe
This is such a simple tool to design conversations. I remember following a workshop on chatbot summit in Berlin from Amazon. So complicated with github etc... this is flawless! Great 👍 work!
Artem Goldman
Amazing! I need more templates! Great work!
Amazing work @vasili_shinkorenko and @maximabramchuk . On the way to build chatfuel for voice interfaces.
Juan Felipe Campos
Congrats on the launch, guys! I’ve been looking forward to Storyline for some time now. Can’t wait to use it 🙂
Vasili Shynkarenka
@juannikin thanks! You can start from creating an app from Product Hunt template, it's only available for a few days 😱
Congratulations on the launch, @vasili_shinkorenko and @maximabramchuck! You know my Echo Dot is on the way. I'll get started as soon as it's here. ;)
Vasili Shynkarenka
@arunsathiya really excited about it, let me know if you'll be stuck with something, would love to help!
Aliaksandra Lamachenka
Amazing! Congratulations on the launch, guys! I know it was a long way for you - and I am so excited to see your well-balanced, mature product released. Grow fast!
Ghost Kitty
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Natalie Korotaeva
Great job! What was the biggest challenge during the creating process for you?
Vasili Shynkarenka
@natalie_korotaeva user interface design. It was really hard to come up with a solution and we're working on v2 right now :)
Danil Gontovnik
Great work, guys! Looks awesome 👍
Vasili Shynkarenka
@danil_gontovnik thanks a lot, your feedback on the first version was really helpful.
Sylvain Perron
Congrats on the launch guys! The interface looks really nice and it's really easy to use. Literally everybody can build a voice app now :)
Vasili Shynkarenka
@slvnperron thanks for your feedback, appreciate that!
Yulia Ivanova
Сongratulations, Guys, and Good Luck!
Lawrence Digital
This is Awesome! Now I only need something to make hmmmm
Juhan Kaarma
That is so cool! Congrats on launching it. Have been playing around with it a littlebit and the user interface is one of the most convenient ones I've seen around 🙌 Now just gotta build something useful on it!
Dmitry Dudin
Wonderfull product! I'll definitely try. Thanks guys!