Hey guys 👋!
This is version two of Straw.Page, which is a drag and drop site builder that works on mobile! ✨
Traditional site builders like SquareSpace and Wix make the web too boring and professional - they don't encourage creativity and so people end up having to use the same templates that have been used by tens of thousands of others.
With Straw.Page, the editor is extremely customizable and you can use it to create pretty much any type of design you want - whether that's fun and weird, or minimalist and professional
You can add Stickers, Googly Eyes, WordArt and even paint on your website! 🎨
Every site comes with its own blog, where you can create unlimited posts in a distraction-free, Notion-like editor ✍️
Next on the roadmap is Ecommerce support!
Support on Twitter, if you want :) -> https://twitter.com/okozzie_/sta...
You can also use code producthunt for 15% OFF all plans! :)
Congrats. I like the design - kinda retro bit red. The grid as a way to position elements feels different and easy. The tutorial needs a sentence or two to help me to understand how it all worked. It took a bit of time for me to understand how to accomplish the task. Excited to see where this goes.