Dan Ives

Stream Chat A.I. - Helping to engage audiences for streamers with an AI twist


Enhancing the experience for live streamers by introducing an A.I. chatbot into their streams, that can relate and converse with their existing user base, along with providing the 'normal' command and response functionality from other unintelligent bots.

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Dan Ives
Hey all! A few months ago I made a little A.I. bot for my Twitch channel which would engage with my chat. The community really enjoyed it and wanted their own versions, so I decided to make a more 'easily accessible' version than the jumble of scripts I had locally. Fast forward to now and we've created a fully fledged bot that features a lot of the existing bot functionalities (commands, sounds, pictures, recurring messages etc.) but with an added A.I. flair, making your static command responses unique every time! Your chat can mention the bot (even by nickname), who will reply back as if they are a viewer, along with prompting and starting conversations themselves! You can customise your bots personality (that we call 'contexts') as much as you like, along with creating multiple personalities and allowing people to switch the bot themselves! There are three tiers including a free tier - so you can use this (hopefully) to do all your existing and current commands, with still no charge! I'm really excited to share this with you guys, as it's been a labour of love over the past few months. We have a discord community that is ever growing, and we would love to see you there.
@danives Congratulations on the launch! I obviously do not know a lot about streaming but it's something that I've been really wanting to try for a long time. Though as someone that would somehow like to keep some anonymity, I'm curious to know if this would also work with some apps that V-tubers use. Not sure if the v-tuber apps would even have something to do with this but your input would be greatly appreciated!
Dan Ives
@carmil_bermillo Thanks Carmil! Our bot works alongside those things, joining your channel and talking to your viewers via chat - so you can have complete control over the video aspect of things and use a vtuber model if you like, our bot won't interfere with that - it'll simply keep trying to help out in the chat room to keep people engaged while you might be focusing on a game :)
Ooh this looks very cool - what random reactions does the AI generate? Any streamers using it already?
Dan Ives
@maxwellcdavis hey! Depending on your bots personality the output differs drastically. Some people have it as an assistant, others have it pretend to be animals, a detective, a preacher, a pirate etc. - you can also have the bot switch 'context' (what we call personalities) with a command, so you can have it be nice or mean etc. We have around 450 users currently, some of which are in our discord where people have promoted their usage of the bot on their streams.
@danives ooh I love the concept, such a great use of AI in this case. Have you built a prompt marketplace with this for different types of bot?
Dan Ives
@maxwellcdavis we haven't as of yet - right now we have a discord channel with context ideas and people helping each other with suggesting how to get their bot to do what they want (along with a bunch of pre-built contexts that I've suggested). We had been looking at the idea of allowing people to pre-select from a dropdown, but its just finding the time to develop those as it's only me on the dev side of things haha. Great idea though, will add that to our Trello :)
💡 Bright idea
@danives Next step would be game specific - e,g, based on a character like Raynor from Starcraft the AI would mimic the types of responses he would give
Dan Ives
@maxwellcdavis It can actually do that already funnily enough haha - we've had a user make it pretend to be Hulk Hogan, and I think some other imitations. We've also enabled it so that your context/personality can be switched on boot, depending on your stream tags. We have a channel that runs a number of different pieces of content (D&D, Games, Interviews etc.) so the bot has a context/personality for each of these streams, and depending on the stream tags it receives it switches to the appropriate one. We've lots of features planned for the future, its really exciting! Really appreciate your interest
Anna Mizina
i'm working with Twitch streamers including beginners and small streamers. and those bots the thing that can keep the channel and community organised, engaged and moderated (from unfortunately toxic users). congrats on the launch, hope it will help more streamers to grow!
Dan Ives
@anna_miz Thank you Anna, I appreciate it! Feel free to send me a message if you'd like to talk about integrating with some of our work :)
Anna Mizina
🔌 Plugged in
@danives it might be interesting for streamers in our community, as we're also building a tool for them (but it's a platform to earn money for promoting brands on stream). i don't see any socials in ur profile 😅 you can just add me in LinkedIn and we can talk somewhere next week 🙌
Dan Ives
@anna_miz Ahh yes - too focused on the company profile and not my own haha. Have added a LinkedIn URL to my profile now, and have dropped you a follow on there :)
congrats on the launch! huge potential here :)
Dan Ives
@thinkastral Hey, thanks so much - we're really pleased you think so :)
Sean Dorje
What's up team! Super interesting product and I see potential if you guys collab with streamers for them to use Stream Chat AI. I'm definitely going to follow you guys and give it a try. I'm also launching my startup ezML (https://producthunt.com/products...) and we offer computer vision AI integration for applications lke yours. I can see some potential use cases for CV with stream chat as the bot can analyze the stream to take action. Please feel free to follow and press 'notify' for our upcoming launch and reach out to collab! Best of luck!
Dan Ives
@sean_dorje Hey, thanks for the interest! If you'd like, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or here if you'd like to talk any more about possible integrations :)
Rana Phool
Very impressive! This AI chatbot is sure to revolutionize streamer-chat interactions! I'm eager to see the conversations that it can generate!
Dan Ives
@rana_phool Feel free to jump into our discord, we have quite a few streamers in there and you can see the bot in their streams :)
Cyril Gupta
Interesting product Dan! I'll explore it.
Dan Ives
@cyriljeet Thanks Cyril, its been fun!
Ayesha Awan
This is a great product that will enhance the experience for live streamers. Congratulations on the launch of the product!🚀
Dan Ives
@ayesha_awan1 Thank you very much :)
Ghost Kitty
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Dan Ives
@felicia_singleton Thank you so much!
Carter Wang
Impressive! Check my site wikigpt3.com and email me your app details and I can help get your app listed on my directory and other 100+ AI directories. Feel free to reply if you want to know more