Pieter Walraven

Streamus (new version) - Turns YouTube into the music player

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Pieter Walraven
There's a great conversation/post on Reddit with Streamus builder Sean Anderson explaining in depth the how and the why of his product: http://www.reddit.com/r/Music/co...
Thomas K. Running
@pieterpaul Great product, great conversation, and great that Sean used Kygo as an example on the Getting Started page :)
Ali R. Tariq
Even with all the Songzas and Spotifys out there, YouTube remains my music player of choice. And this looks like it makes the constant hassle of building playlists and the music discovery process finally a little better.
Orli Yakuel אורלי
Love it!
Very cool. Love it.
Matthew Arevalo
Tried it. Liked it.
Douglas Correa
It is simple and useful exactly like it should be. I will back to Youtube as my default music player, actually, back to Streamus
Derek Minter
this is great. I love www.trending.fm/ on iOS and this is pretty much the same experience.
Arjun Ram
Nicely done! Any plans to add support for Sonos API?