Stride is a more modern technical documentation + calculation software for engineers and other calculation-driven professionals. It is local-first, has a robust units system, and is markdown-based.
Hey Product Hunt!
I’m Weike and I'm one of the founders of Stride. I worked as a structural engineer before and have always found the tools to create calculations (Excel and Mathcad mainly) to be unintuitive, terrible at communicating the intent of the calcs, and hard to integrate with my other tools.
Honestly lots of it was just doing stuff on Excel, then screenshottinng it, and then copy/pasting it into a PDF document.
Years later, I worked as a software engineer and saw all the fantastic tooling available (vscode extensions, version control, pull requests, commit histories, etc) and saw a really big parallel between code and calcs.
Stride is our attempt at bringing some of that tooling to traditional engineering. Our V1 currently is just being able to do dynamic calculations in a clear format with a robust units handling system, with version control/small reviews as well as an extensions platform following later.
More than happy to answer any questions here!
Sharing this with our dev team - congrats on the launch!
The pricing is great for trying out the product, and the design looks clean.
Looking forward to seeing how Stride evolves!