Kristofer Stubbs

TalkPAY$ - A booking-referral app that pays CA$H for customer referrals


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Kristofer Stubbs
Hey Everyone! TalkPAY$ was created because in my past I have had service-providing businesses, but I never had the $ nor the time to do the marketing that's necessary to get more clients. At the end of the day, volume is volume and the more clients we all obtain, the more our businesses will grow. That's the point of TalkPAY$, it's here to help you "Book More Clients" Here is How Everybody Wins: 1. You, the Business Owner, Gets Paid CA$H for your service, gain a New Client and Saves Money by paying no out-of-pocket costs = Triple-Win!!! 2. Your Current Client who sent the referral to you Gets Paid CA$H for the referral, Helps Your Business Grow, Helps The New Client by referring them to you = Triple-Win!!! 3. The Referred Client receives Outstanding Service by you, the Business Owner, and now becomes a Current Client and can now use TalkPays to Get Paid CA$H for sending referrals to your place of business = Triple-Win!!! ā€‹ Here are a few things to consider: 1. Word of mouth still remains the #1 marketing tool for the growth of any business 2. When clients are consistently satisfied with a service they become loyal advocates of that Business 3. TalkPAY$ will provide an incentive to motivate Current Clients to send more referrals to a Business Take a look at our website and our informational slideshow and let me know what you think. Feel free to ask any questions! Thanks, Kristofer P.S. - Don't forget to sign up to join our Beta-Test Group to be the 1st to try to new app. We are launching in June 2017. Get Ready!
Emmanuel Lemor
Hi Kristofer, I either misread, or misunderstood your Everybody Wins section... So WHO pays the 'Gets Paid CA$H' to the Current Client? I'd assume the Business Owner but the way it's worded particularly with the 'by paying no out-of-pocket costs' appears to make one think he's not paying anything either... [I checked the website and wasn't able to get a clear answer from there either...]
Kristofer Stubbs
@exlemor So WHO pays the 'Gets Paid CA$H' to the Current Client? - The referred client will pay a booking fee with the business owner. That booking fee is what pays the current client. The business owner will basically a provide the Referred client a '1st-time discount' in order to secure the appointment. Does that make sense? (I'll definitely revamp the site to make it more clearer). Thanks for the Feedback!